Unique and Set Items to keep


I am a noob and I need your help just in case I forgot something.

These are the Unique and Set or Green Items I intend to keep since space is limited. If it is not here, I throw it away.

Criteria for inclusion:

  • items included in common builds
  • top 10 rarest to get
  • some items that can be used in budget builds as per guides


Andariel’s Visage
Arachnid Mesh
Arkaine’s Valor
Arm of King Leoric
Arreat’s Face
Astreon’s Iron Ward
Atma’s Scarab

Blade Of Ali Baba
Bul-Kathos’ Wedding Band

Chance Guards
Crown of Ages
Crown of Thieves

Darkforce Spawn
Death’s Fathom
Death’s Web
Dracul’s Grasp
Duriel’s Shell
Dwarf Star

Earth Shifter
Eschuta’s Temper
Executioner’s Justice


Gheed’s Fortune
Goblin Toe
Gore Rider
Griffon’s Eye
Guardian Angel

Harlequin Crest
Hellfire Torch
Herald Of Zakarum
Highlord’s Wrath


Jalal’s Mane

Kira’s Guardian

Lidless Wall

Manald Heal ??
Mang Song’s Lesson
Mara’s Kaleidoscope

Nature’s Peace
Nightwing’s Veil
Nord’s Tenderizer
Nosferatu’s Coil

Ormus’ Robes

Que-Hegan’s Wisdom

Rainbow Facet (All)
Raven Frost

Sandstorm Trek
Seraph’s Hymn
Shadow Dancer
Skin of the Vipermagi
Skullder’s Ire
String of Ears
Suicide Branch

Templar’s Might
The Cat’s Eye
The Cranium Basher
The Eye of Etlich
The Gladiator’s Bane
The Grandfather
The Oculus
The Reaper’s Toll
The Spirit Shroud
The Stone of Jordan
Thundergod’s Vigor
Titan’s Revenge
Tyrael’s Might

Verdungo’s Hearty Cord

War Traveler
Wisp Projector
Wizardspike 2x

Zakarum’s Hand


Angelic Halo and Wings
Cathan’s Sigil
Death’s Hand and Guard
Iratha’s Coil
Tancred’s Hobnails and Weird
Aldur’s set especially the Advance
The Disciple Laying of Hands
M’avina’s Battle Hymn (Amazon) set/all
Natalya’s Soul
Orphan’s Call Guilliaume’s Face
Tal Rasha’s set/all
Trang-Ouls Avatar set/all

Thanks to those who will reply!

A lot of what you keep is what you intend to do. Do you intend to PvP alot? If so, low level duels? There are many items in the game great for different pvp purposes, that most people would toss away if they didn’t pvp or want to find the niche group that does to trade. Then, I keep certain items for Druid and Sin, even though I probably will never play them.

Some stuff you are missing, that I would personally keep:
Ginther’s Rift - A great repair durability sword that serves all the way through NM, and could be used early Hell if you get nothing better.

Butcher’s Pupil - A neat one handed axe with 35% Deadly Strike (Crit Chance). Great for NM, especially on a Double Swing/Frenzy Barb.

Sigon’s Set - One of the best general use low level sets. However, requires a lot of strength, so save low level +str charms.

The Immortal King set - While not the greatest, this full set is good at solo clearing Hell as a Whirlwind Barb. The Chest Armor Piece (IK Soul Cage) is pretty rare too.

Witchwild String - Outside of runewords, this bow when upped with the cube, is probably one of the best choices other than a Windforce for clearing Hell on a Bowzon. And it is useful out of the box at level 39, a great NM bow.

Stealskull - A great helm for melee or bow. MF, with Dual Leech.

Lightsabre and Azurewrath - Lightsabre is a great choice for a Hell Melee weapon until you can get better. At 85, upgrade to Azurewrath if you hadn’t built better. Both are Phase Blades, but Azurewrath is rarer.

But again, when you are first starting out, EVERYTHING is useful pretty much. However, there is certain stuff I always keep for leveling, as well as for midgame.

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thanks! i will add those to my list.

I will trim the list when space get’s extremely limited.

NP. To be honest, many of those items on your list, will either take a while to find anyways, so you won’t be swimming in them, and many of them look great on Arreat Summit (where I assume you looked), but either have a very niche purpose or just are not as good in practice as in theory. Take Ormus Robe’s for instance. It looks great, but the +3 to Skills is a random Sorc Skill and it has no resistances. Compare to Skin of the Vipermagi, would can be gotten earlier, can be upped to give 200ish more defense than Ormus, general +1 to all skills, 10% more FCR than Ormus, +20-35 resist all, and can be useful for more characters than Ormus. Now a good rolled Ormus is still good, but only for that build of Sorc.

Anyways, a lot is a learning curve. Don’t be afraid to hoard a little to start. Make a level one character and use their personal stash tab and on character 4x10 inventory to store stuff. You can always delete later. Welcome to D2.


It’s probably a worthless item, but having The Ward at hand was a great help for me during leveling my 2nd char. Just easily maxing all res in NM and Hell.

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For some low lvl things:
Tarnhelm and Gull dagger for ridiculous MF (Angelic chest combined with Amy and Rings is also 50 MF for each ring)
Hsarus Set + Rixot Keen/Gull Dagger for early leveling.
Eye of Etlich - amazing amy
Ravenclaw - can’t outtwink that
Bloodfists - Fury Druid replace them only with draculs, amazing gloves
Vidala boots - 30frw +150 stamina when it actually matters
Threads of Cthon - great boots for twinked char

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Baranar’s Star - has 3 elemental damages and is overall a capable weapon


Those boots what have very low level, but you get fire resist to 90%, while 75% fire resi is also with it. With these boots there is no more fear against fire monsters.

I am levelling my first sorceress and with all the items found with my necro and barb before, I can use a lot of sets and more. Wearing iratus full set at level 15 and no more resistence problems anymore. Also have my complete Gold find and MF gear for level 32 ready to use, this time it will be first total mf about 210% gf about 700% hungry levelling character.
So I imagine I will get even more of all those uniques, what are not worth to hold.
Would be great to know what low level items are worth to hold or sell.

You can ditch this or try to sell some of it it if you need more space.

Keep only amulet+belt+armor from tal rasha set.

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Maybe my item price/ value project could help you actualy. Its not finished yet but i think its helpfull to new players and you can use it to understand what to keep.

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Maybe i missunderstood. Are you asking what you should keep from your list of items you have or asking for list of items you should keep if you find them?

those items i listed are what i am keeping. but when space becomes limited, i will reduce it further.

Yeah but you own them already? Or you want to know if there is more items worth keeping which are not on your list?

i own some of those listed, but will be hunting for years for the rest.

yes to your question. thanks for your replies :slight_smile:

I mean i could work on list of items you should keep or lets say i would keep myself which are usefull. If you are interested

I am. thanks a lot! …

Well i started working on list but as i finished helms and armor i see it will take too much time.

Try to use this instead, its the price guide i made already and it should help. Basicly everything with some value there is worht taking/selling or keeping.

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thanks, bro!
20 chars

Just keep in mind that some prices are not updated to current situation. Mostly stuff people sell the most like shako, tal armor, soj, anni, torches.

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he ward is easily one of the best shields for leveling.