Unable To Join Friend/Public Game

To clarify I’m not talking about re-friending, I mean completely removing each other from your lists while the issue is happening and re adding later. I’ll edit the post above to try to make this more clear. I also mentioned that if the deployment is still happening, restarting does not work:

As for speculation that this is an “IP issue”, this is not the bug report forum but that is not actually what’s going on to the best of our understanding, it’s just some speculation that’s being thrown around pretty matter of factly. When joining a server in any of our games you should be able to swap between IPs as needed, you just have a default one that you authenticate to. The only exception to this is if your friend is in another region, so you’d need to both be on the EU client if you were both trying to play in EU, or both be in the US to play in US, etc.

If you do believe you’ve found a bug we’re not aware of please do post on the thread in the Bug Report forums, but hopefully the info I posted here helps most players get in game with their friends.