Unable to connect

Cant connect to d2r servers anyone else have this problem


same here for xbox too


Down for me on xbox series x. Last played last night around 10pm est.

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Aye, Xbox West down, went down for me around 4 pm

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Usa xbox. Cannot connect to server message

Same issue in the UK, Xbox Series X. Not been able to access any battlenet characters from last night and this morning same issue… Did the power off cache delete which didnt resolve the issue. I can get into D4 just fine, want to play D2 though :face_with_monocle:

Update: works on my kids Nintendo Switch, not sure why Xbox is suffering here…

Same issue since yesterday. Xbox series X, when I’m in Main Menu of D2R and I select Online character, I got the error “Cannot connect to server”.

I’ve informed support, but obviously they gave me steps to fix my connection issue… but that is not the problem, I even tried with LTE mobile hotspot and still same issue.

Everything works, even Diablo IV online, but not D2r

Everything was good last night when I quit. As of 7 AM Thursday morning I have been unable to connect to servers. Location is Southern CA. As of this moment problem still exists.

I do. I havent been able to play for 2 days. Keeps saying cant connect to server. Its not a connection problem. I can watch or play any other thing on my xbox. It just wont connect to server on diablo 2 resurrected. I dont know what else to do

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Im hoping it gets fixed soon. I want to get back to working on my ladder toon

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Exactly same here, I reinstalled the game twice, used other connection by LTE mobile hotspot, EVERYTHING works even Diablo IV, but not Diablo 2 R

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Same here on Xbox. All day yesterday kept getting “cannot connect to server” and so far this morning still doing it. Cleared cache, reset my router, nothing works. Every other game works fine and there’s no issues with my internet connection.

Been unable to connect last 2 days

can’t connect either. can we get an update on what’s going on?

All my friends and myself have also been experiencing this

I have been experiencing the same “Unable to Connect to Server” message since last night. (9/19/24.) I’m on an Xbox & I live in the NE US,

same here xbox series x US region

Here is why they dont care its not related to Wow or Diablo 4

Then they aint going to answer nor will they really care look how they have done us every season when diablo 4 came out

D2r basically died they could give a crap about the players not to mention made promises about how d4 would be more like d2 they dropped the ball fumbled and they dont really care cause they made their billions off our backs now they sit atop of that mountain and pick and choose who to help ive been a player since diablo 1

Same here Xbox series x been down for three days no reply Thay mean anything from blizzard they keep giving information for PC even tho I made very clear its Xbox x series and I guess there retarded said a new patch is out but it’s not

It’s back up they did a hot fix for Xbox and playstation was supposed to be ps and Nintendo but people on these forums where all Xbox x series and s series consoles and we complained for three days to get a 123 mbps update should auto update for you like it did me but blizzard needs to get there crap together because three almost four days is beyond sorry