Open b .net launcher → switch game version to PTR → play → game lunches → press any key to begin → pop up You have not been online in the last 30 days. Please start the game while online to check for any login agreements.
Live version works fine. Definitely online.
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Same behavior for me. Not able to connect to PTR server. All others are working.
there is a new patch coming soon so the ptr servers are probably down until the patch is applied
“Failed to Authenticate” is all I get
yeah we know. WHEN thats the issue.
When I “try” PTR , I try to select online to make new character it says Unable to Authenticate.
Yeah its the same for everyone. They havent patched yet. It would be nice to know WHEN they planned to patch
Thanks, Blizzard, for the lack of update.
They brought down PTR server yesterday. It will come back up when the new patch goes live
getting “Cannot connect to server” on PTR, Non PTR works fine