Ubers players8 on accident

Do uber key portals stay on the /playersX the game was set to when they spawned or can you lower them after? I accidentally opened my very first Uber portals on players8….can’t even kill the first pack I literally die instantly lol, I tried switching to players1 but it didn’t seem to make a difference…did I brick my keys?

Player count goes into effect when the monster is loaded, so if you opened the portals but haven’t entered them (or haven’t entered far enough to load the bosses that don’t spawn immediately next to the portal) then you still have the opportunity to lower the player count. If you already loaded them then it’s too late.

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Probably. A strong enough Smiter could still do it, but prob not going to happen on a budget build.

About all you could do is try to recruit help.

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My understanding is that happend in offline mode.

And since Blizzard removed TCP/IP … :x :wink:

EDIT: Corrected.
OP, higher player count does indeed increase the damage output of the monsters.

So hopefully you made a copy of your char files before opening the portals so they weren’t wasted and you can improve your equipment first. GL! :wink:

God I don’t know how I managed to read that so poorly last night. Guess the tequila and lack of sleep hit me harder than I thought haha.

wellp spent about 4 hours today grinding another set of keys. finally gottem all an hour ago and went again. it went well this time i took it real slow and double, triple, quadruple checked everything. still managed to forget to equip my thundergods for mephisto and i forgot to unequip my treachery after prebuffing it for tristram :disguised_face: stil somehow killed em pretty easily. got a barbarian torch so i know what im leveling next!! question for next run: can you leave tristram to restock potions in the middle of killing those last 3 bosses? i went into diablo pretty low but yolo’d it

Yes you can, you just cant leave the game.

Monster damage and AR does increase, but scales slower than HP, so less noticeable.

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you’re right, let me rephrase:
In NL, higher player count does NOT increase the damage output of the monsters.
In L, base monster damage and poison length calculated using MonStats values increases by 1/16 (6.25%) with each additional player in Nightmare and Hell.