Uber diablo vs Pandemonium bosses

I just got my anni with my pala, it wasnt easy but very doable and Im wondering how hard is each boss from the pandemonium event compared to uber diablo, I guess way harder?

here, look for yourself:
Pandemonium Bosses stats:

Uber Diablo stats:

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Pandemonium event bosses are harder because larger life regen (15k vs 7k) plus they spawn enemies. Uber Meph is the most dangerous one because he has a -125% conviction aura.

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Thanks for the information, Ill guess my keys will collect some more dust heh

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Well you can always just roll a smiter. Or have someone else run it for you.

You mean Dclone, not uber diablo

Try em out, if you get stuck im on all day and can help you finish em off. I have plenty of torches and have given away enigma to a guy on this forum so you know i’m not going to steal your stuff. If not, i’de say make a smiter paladin and have a life tap wand on switch, that’s all you need.

Yet /uberdiablo is the chat command to see the status of dclone generation. They made it even more confusing!


Yeah Blizz needs to fix this.

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Thank you very much, I apreciate the offer



oh well… uber diablo ( dclone as he is affectionately called) is an extremly fun fight… the minibosses for the ubers are also quite fun…

uber trist is absolute hell

minions with immunty ( literally immune to everything except physical) constantly spawn… mephy has conviction aura

both mephy and all his minions cant be leeched from without life tap

there is absolutely nothing fun about it… you are basically forced to cheese it. with a smiter

its a terrible design…

diablo and baal are doable enough… but unbless u overstack resists… prebufdf with fade… get a Bo aka all the cheese tactics… its just not worth the time… other people will do it.

there are some varoius hyper specific ways around it… but unless u want to make a smiter… its not really worth it

idk maybe u like smiters.

but overall its a terrible design.

you can give it a try if u want… buts its not “fun” and something u can do with any build like dclone is


uber diablo technically is dclone… "

we just call him d clone because its gets less confusing

because uber baal and uber mephy ARE in trist

technically the one is uber trist is call “pandemonium diablo”

but no one says that

because it’s stupid

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#Alpha if you have a key or still finding a key and looking someone help kill the Uber boss, please let me know.
I can play the Uber boss with you for free, no loot of the touch

I’m mid player, don’t have godly gear but likely play the Uber many time with my friend. I ever done it with my friend for 4-5 times and I still lovely like to play more on this boss, just for funny and don’t need any item :smiley:


This is my issue with it, too.

Thanks Seiya, I apreciate the offer. Im farming more keys at the moment so if I get enough soon Ill let you know.

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Much harder, they have immunities, insane hp regen and prevent monster heal doest work on them.

I got my anni recently also and had the same idea to go for my first Pandemonium Event on my 85 Frenzy Barb.

I’m not super geared. I ran King slayer/Azurewrath for weapons, Treachery for proc/Duress on chest, Dracul’s Grasp hands, Gorerider boots, Thundergod’s vigor belt, Ravenfrost, Angelic set ring/amy, and Guillame’s Face w/ 15 IAS gem hat.

I put on Lightsaber also for Meph for extra light absorb.

I used the Act III Mercenary for enchant to help with my attack rating.

Long story short, it was not difficult at all.

I returned to town twice. Once after killing Mephisto to simply gear swap. And, then, one more time after killing Baal to reup on Rejuv pots. I had zero deaths, even though I screwed up and double pulled Diablo and Baal.

I really feel like it’s not a super difficult event at all if you execute some nice single pulls and do the correct preparation (e.g. determining how you are going to deal with the adds, having the right resists for Mephisto, etc…)

Imo (assuming you go smiter) so long as you have good resistances, a source of life tap/good IAS, and good crushing blow and open wounds; it should be very doable.

I would just watch a couple guides for your class/spec to help you plan your gear/run out. They’ll clue you in on the strat and some niche items you can use to help you with stuff like Meph’s conviction aura (tgods + Lightsaber+treachery proc worked really well for me. Also, there are fires inside Tristram you can pre-proc/re-proc your treachery on prior to engaging bosses)

To be fair you don’t need a smiter. You just need any random paladin with 1 point in smite, 1 point in fanat, and a decent amount of crushing blow, and a source of open wounds… And a Lifetap charge item, dracs, or an exile.

People overestimate how much you actually need to kill them.

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