All TZs need much more monster density (it’s quite obvious that many players don’t bother with most zones due to low density) and more experience gained. Spending 100-200+ hours leveling from 94-99 is too much, and unfeasible for many players… Especially when there are 20 character slots available to build… Cutting that time down to 30-50 hours is a much more reasonable, yet still quite significant, amount of time to spend leveling a single character.
Faster leveling will also help alleviate the pain of needing to remake your entire character from scratch to have a different character name (should you decide that you no longer enjoy the existing character name ( due to build specific name change, someone else having the same name, personal preference, etc. ))
Is the opposition to faster leveling originating primarily from those who have already dedicated an entirely unreasonable amount of time to leveling players to 99, and because of this now they do not want to see others able to reach the max level in a more reasonable time frame?
baaaaaahahahaha. these TZs make 97-99 5x faster than it used to be, and you wanna make that 10x … do you even know what’s happening here… yikes.
stay casual.
While leveling is now much faster than the previously entirely unreasonable leveling time-frame, that doesn’t mean that currently improved leveling time-frame doesn’t need to be made faster.
i think they should reduce the XP in TZ zones, it is too high.
Come on. Leveling up at a certain point should be a big deal, man. Not just a gimme
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Needing 30-50 hours vs 100-200 hours + for the last 5 levels isn’t exactly a gimme for most players. Casual play of 1-2 hours a day ( which seems the average free time available after wage-slavery-jobs ) takes too long for one character to reach level 99… especially when the top experience terror zones may not even show up during your available gaming time.
yo news flash, nobody NEEDS to hit 99. the goal should be for people who grind their D!K$ off
Problem is, people want to be able to beat the entire game and be geared out over a weekend, you know, like in diablo 3.
This is diablo 2…like I say in all the threads, GO PLAY ANOTHER GAME.
30-50 hours hardly is a weekend, except for those who willing / able to play non-stop.
100-200+ hours certainly inst a weekend.
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Yeah, Its called a…whats the word I am lookin for here…hmmmm…oh yeah.
every season, my personal goal is to slowly hit 97. it took me just under 4 months this time. and that’s what i enjoy… it’s just not going to be the same, i’m not against change, but this is way too much and slamming one area over and over isn’t fun to me. enjoy your e z mode d2. 
i myself, am quite sad about all of this. the casuals have won.
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And I don’t wanna hear it. I teach, am still in college, and have a 3 year old. Finding time to play can be challenging, but that’s why it is over an entire season.
I thought season isn’t really about leveling, but rather about restarting a fresh economy?
All good examples of why it shouldn’t take 100-200 hours to for a single character to reach level 99. 50 hours is more than long enough to spread over a season.
For sure starting fresh is great, and then racing with others to gain power is the fun. And if that all happened right away no one would play.
There is only very few things that make this game worth playing. A: leveling to 99 and gaining more character power. B: Getting those sweet drops that give you that shot of chemical rush from your brain for gaining something rare.
Ever played Diablo 3 and found a piece of Immortal kings set for barb? It’s like “oh cool, that item again”
In diablo 2, a Ber rune drops and it’s time to fap.
See, it’s why only certain people play MMO’s. If you don’t have the time, don’t play it. Go play Zelda or Football or something.
Besides, most people never hit 99 and do fine in ladder gear wise and power wise. 99 is an accomplishment, not a participation award to be gained.
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Actually after doing it, the math is almost 24x faster. Each TZ run in a p8 split w/ T2 averages 650k. Average p8 baal kills split w/ T2 was 55k, AND tz’s actually clear in almost half the time of a baal run, depending on the zone it hits.
Not to mention terror zones are always up and always higher lvl than the player for the most part. Leveling is going to be hella easier than ever before.
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ya i only did an hour of testing and found my solo 5p lazily killing stuff was 5x faster xp than normal. still quite the jump. if my usual farming buddy hops on we’d do 7p 2 killer and i bet the xp would be astronomical.