is maxroll showing an accurate increase in its drop rate for his TZ version ?
non TZ Baal: 1 on 10932(300% MF)
TZ96 Baal: 1 on 1289(300% MF)
none of the other monsters get such a drastic increase…so is this for real or a typo on maxroll ? P1 - P8 setting is irrelevant for the drastic change
EDIT: after looking up some other items it display the same increase across all other ilvl 85-86 uniques(CoA,Windforce,Shadow Dancers, Grandfather, Death’s Web, Tyrael Might, Templar Might,etc)…and its strictly for baal…other acts bosses dont have that for their TZ variant
Bosses like everything else increase level in terror zones but thats not that significant for drop rate, its increase but just little. Baal itself is already lvl 99 anyway.
What makes that drastic change is increase of his treasure class which is done by terror zone. The higher line than he has normaly has higher chance for TC87 items.
No, all bosses have this increase, if calculator is not showing that, its wrong.
Especialy andariel if you didnt quest bug her has far better chance to drop elite stuff than baal or any other boss.
just looked at some items on Andariel…your correct it actually happen with her drops too(the worse drop rates ELITE items from her become drasticly increased when she become terrorize)
same case with duriel for his worse drop rate elite items
thx for notification…guess i looked poorly at the other bosses items initially
well this is most interesting
edit 2: well…i guess ppl be wasting some good loot when they skip baal during terrorize worldstone :S…cringe…that just for a tiny bit extra exp…even with 0% mf its already 4X better than 300% mf non-terrorize XD