Tyrael's Might: Why is it bad?

For some strange reason I have a ‘link notification’ bringing me to you comment and I have no idea why.

Tyrael’s Might was the centerpiece for my melee sorceress.
I had:
+30 str Tyraels Might
+15 Dracs
+15 eth sandstorms
+10 Azure
+20 Rare ring
+20 Rare ring
+20 Anni
+20 Torch
Maras +5attrib
2x +5str/Lightningdmg LC’s

That’s +175 strength.

That allowed her to wear Spirit Ward (unique), Crown of Ages, along with Verdungos.

She did 30k damage per swing at about 62500dps.
No bears. No auras (aside from more or less useless salvation).

She did magic (azure) cold (azure) lightning (charms) poison (charms) fire (enchant) phys (azure) with every swing, and she even solo’d uber tristram once with admitted difficulty.

With no points in strength or energy, everything went to dex enough for 75% block, and the rest to vitality. She had capped and overpowered resists (especially when spirit ward cast fade) and 46% physical damage reduction from Dungos, Coa, ber runes. She had 2400 hit points as a sorc, and she had a tendency to outtank barbarians and paladins for some reason.

That armor is a niche piece.

If anything, I would say that the +strength needs to be derandomized. Make it +30. Period. When trying to rebuild this character on d2r, that’s been the biggest pain—finding a +30 str tyrael. They’re stupidly rare already, they shouldn’t have that much variance to start with given their rarity. It literally has it in the name. “tyrael’s MIGHT” which says “it should always be MIGHTY.” Let the rest of the things be variable that are variable.

Add +3 to class skills
Replace @res by 12lvl Salva
Add Teleport
Add perm 3 socks
Increase frw to 40-50%
Add 20fcr


Bye bye nigma

That would be super OP. Especially 3 OS are not an option imho.

The goal should be (in my personal opinion) to give it a different twist then the other “good” armors. But it should be only on par with those not the next OP and broken item. Right?

I still say the real question is “Tyrael’s Might: Why Should it be Good?
Last I checked Tyrael kinda sucked. Man needed a rush just to finish the game.

You see it’s no so much “rare” as the smith’s making them were embarrassed about the name, so only did a limited run. Then they started getting recalls. Was a whole thing.

yes, I command ye to bring it forth.

tyraels armor is made from divinity, it SHOULD be the most powerful artifact in the game. A salv aura and tele is paying homage to the angiris councel

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no salv. salv makes all minions elementally immune, even at skill level 1.

I think Salvation be a cool idea if TM couldn’t be equipped on mercs, then you’d have to tradeoff Enigma for it. Not that 99.9% of people would though. :laughing: That leaves the problem of Iron Golem I suppose.

Not that Blizz could be bothered to add a “merc equippable” column in the .txts either, that’d be cool for mods.

After countless discussions, this was the final version we came up with for buffs to TM…

Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resist +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 50% CtC Lvl 20 Fist of the Heavens When You Kill An Enemy
    • Add +1 To Teleport
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Change FRW to +45%
    • Change Required Lvl to 75
    • Change E. Defense to +150-200%
    • Change D. To Demons to +200-300%

what about giving it a unique aura? there are unused aura assets in the game. i assume they were remastered along with d2r even though they aren’t being used (i’d have to go look to be sure but…). looks like this:


it was the old salvation visual before the one we have now. make a new aura that is specific to this item that does something thematic or necessary to make the item good, rather than overtuning it with salvation and robbing paladin of yet another important ability

well unfortunately the unused assets weren’t remastered. the original ones are still there, and they work on the legacy graphics. but theres no particles for any of the unused assets

basically this
RIP needs to go

no skill that requires a corpse works with a RIP monster (not sure about redemption)

an exclusive aura sounds great
i also like the effect of the skycutter in d3 but i think this would need much more work when it comes to textures, particles and animations

no sh1t, Sherlock :man_facepalming:

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All it needs is 50/50 teleport lvl 1 charges

Teleport and 6 open sockets

Teleport charges for the rarest item in the game?

Ok then change enigma to Zod-Zod-Zod-Zod

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Short answer…it’s not bad. It’s a fantastic armor. It actually provides a great number of unique and desirable modifiers. The only reason people say it’s “bad” is because it’s not Enigma. But that’s like saying a ferrari is bad because it’s not a lamborghini (or however you want to equate it)

If you let me edit Tyrael’s Might I’d just go with this.

+1 Teleport
+3 All Skills
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
30+ All Stats
Level 3 Salvation Aura
Sockets (3)
Requirements -100%

Personally, I think a big reason it’s not used is that it’s the rarest item in the game.

That’s pretty good. I actually think it should be +3 to all skills as well.

It reminds me of Godly Plate Of The Whale from Diablo 1:

All res, All attributes, a bunch of HP. Sweet and simple. Unlike the dog s*** in D4.