Two-handed weapon builds?

Are there any good two-handed weapon barb builds? they viable? Everywhere i look i see dual-wielders

yes! you can do a hand zerk Barbar
insane dmg
for safety reason i would recommand some % dmg red or pdr on your gears.

I like concentrate and berserk. Steady and not that slow. You can pretty much walk through Normal and Nightmare, and it’s a smooth run through most of Hell.

Considering a ladder start, with lil budget
I love ik set ww barb. I still have one point in zerk for some situations. Ik is affordable on trade, and you can kill dclone without any pblm, and of course, do all hell content ( except uber Tristam) You can do a bit of mf with, too.
In fact, I was surprised how it performed for the very low price. Looking to make one in hc at the ladder opening.

WW can run any solid 2h and do just fine. I’ve ran IK barb, but also ran WW Barb with a blue polearm (get the right prefix and suffix and the damage is insane).
Leap Barb is a fun one to play (appropriately named the Flying Booyaka), but more of a fun/party support build, but can solo the game just fine.
I’ve also seen 2h Conc builds and such, but no experience with these. I’m a WW freak.

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I have a standard WW barb build… EbotDGPA to hit 4frame WW with decent range, upped arreats, metalgrid/maras/rare ammy, fortitude sacred armor, ravenfrost+BK/rare, arach/upped ears, LoH/rends, upped gores/double upped gtoes. All points in str because you are a manly man barb.

it does absurd damage due to crushing blow and the off-weapon ED on fortitude.

You can also roll a zerk barb with an absurd weapon, but i’ve never seriously touched one since the removal of iron maiden from OKs in CS.

I wonder, what Weapon-Type? Hammer? Polearm? or Sword? Even Spear?
I think the easiest build will be a hammer-build? Very high damage and low dexterity-need to wield a hammer. Even Higher damage against undeads.

There are also pretty cool (at least-cool-looking) Axes out thare, And they’re faster than hammers. Although, they need dexterity to wield. (I wonder, if you need dex anyway, beccause of hit-chance? or are the weapon-skills enough to hit? Assuming of wileding rare self-found. (I always assume that, becuase I play mostly SP. And in that mode, it’s very unlikely to find any BIS-gear… And trade is obviously also not an option )

Best ladder starter weapon would an etheral oath balrogblade. Have a look at the stats and its price then you’ll see why. If you can afford to make 2 of the oath, 2 x eth ettin axe beats everything.

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