Trying to install D2 and LoD

Hey, I’m trying to play the old D2, and last I checked in 2020 on Windows 10 it worked, but I’m on W11 now, and when I got the downloader from Blizzard Support - How to Install Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction and try to install, I get an “http 404 web OC” security warning telling me to save the file, or find a program online to open it?

I’m sure that it’s not working but even if I try to save it and run the saved file, I get another popup saying that “this file does not have an app that is associated with it for performing this action…”

Did Blizzard move or delete their installer, but not take down the download link? Is there any way around this?


I just cancel the first pop-up and then choose a directory. Then, cancel anything else that pops up. It should begin to download at that time.


This is why I’m glad I bought one of the last physical copies of battle chest because it came with the 1.11 installer and the new 26 digit CD keys for d2 and lod, i’ll never have to waste my time with online downloads, I put the disk into the drive and install the game and it automatically patches and I play :+1: physical media will always beat this digital only slave creature crap

The weboc file is not required to install the game with the classic installer exe files. The weboc is only needed to show the webpage in the installer window.