Traderie vs JSP VS D2r Forums for trade

As most of you know i recently came across an item that got me a ton of high runes
Ive never used the other 2 and sometimes browse Reddit trade

Im going to be looking for quite a few specific items soon

My Question is am I limiting myself using this forum? Seems like i only see handfulls of the same people on here and dont even know if the majority of Item trading is done here

I Looked at JSP and that whole format seems to be a disaster hard to use
Traderie is good for looking for avg prices on stuff

I Will Post here first for my known usual traders for the stuff I need, but i may not have much luck. Specifically 4-6 socket eth weapons and such cuz i wanna make a trav horker and finish my Zealot smiter etc.

Thanks Noobitron#1744

I think Traderie is better. They facilitate trades, much like this forum does, but there is no forum gold like on d2jsp, which is one of the things I hate most about it.

This and traderie for item trading, I stumbled upon jsp and i see its good for whipping out your wallet lol.

Personally I use the forum, traderie and in game trades as my primary spots. Recently I’ve found the best luck on traderie for pretty decent deals just takes a bit to comb through the crazy prices that some people ask for on there. Also no jsp for me - too convoluted of a system lol

The forum is my favorite experience though - most of the people on here are pretty dope. Also forum helped me out early on as well when I was getting back in the game so always grateful to the folks here. :slight_smile:

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Are you limiting yourself by only using this site: Yes

You should be using other sites in tandem with this one for high value trades, as others side, traderie is probably the best one to get used to. This site unfortunately is not and never really have been great for trading, it is good for chatting though


Forum: best place as you always get helpful people here.

Other options
Traderie: good and easier to search for items but sometime some seller look for crazy price.

Jsp: big trading forum with alot more stuff but mostly use fg to trade. But sometime people there accept runes also.

Discord: another trading platform that is not bad too if you want to find more items.

Diabloio: trading there is abit more slower and response is also slower. Sometime you might dont even get a respond for days.

Ingames: not as active and easy to find items compare to all other trading platform.


I only use JSP if I need to offload something big quick, and then turn right around and trade the forum gold for the item I need. Other than that, I don’t mess with it a lot. Too many people on there have forum gold going back over a decade, or just outright buy tons of it with paypal, and you can’t really compete with them when trying to trade anything, or negotiate a trade.

Thx everyone, I think Ill Start here
If I cant find what i need, ill move onto Traderie

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This forum has a very good atmosphere however NL trades are not that active.
At traderie you can do fair trades if you are patient as there are some sellers who are out of their mind when they define their selling price. I did lot of drop trades at tradeire for pgems, crafting gems and never had any issues.
I’ve never used d2sjp and don’t plan to do it so can’t give any overview.


I feel the forum here has the best deals sometimes but NL trades are rarer as Doom said.
Traderie is fine but some sellers just put 50 bers as price for anything gg which is insane imo, with patience you find good deals there as well. It’s better for selling stuff. I don’t use jsp, never looked into it

For me, I only stick to traderie, discord and this forums mainly for my trades. Since the start of D2R last year Sept til today, I’ve garnered over 300+ 5 star reviews in traderie lol… I’ve tried to use D2JSP when I was shopping for a eth titan for my javazon but it’s a little weird becuz ppl there don’t bother with you making payment in runes? I find it quite pointless if they only use forum gold to trade since I have an abundance of HR on non ladder…

Yea, here you can get a deal on items for only 20 bers.