To those who Doubt D2

I love Diablo 2 but the worship about how it can never be topped is weird to me. In a strictly mechanical sense there are better ARPGs out there. I can be infinitely more creative and build more unique and interesting character builds in games like Grim Dawn (30-something possible dual class combinations) and Path of Exile (both also having a huge constellation system).

Diablo 2 was revolutionary at the time but compared to any modern ARPG it’s quite shallow. I still love it, that’s why I’m getting Resurrected and I’ll play and enjoy it.

For me, its mood and aesthetic is the thing that it still has going for it, since no ARPG since has managed to recreate it.

I find PoE far more shallow. I play it, but there is so much illusion of choice and pseudo-depth in PoE it’s ugly. I hope PoE2 does a far better job of creating real customization and fun, without the illusion of choice and unneeded pseudo-complexity of their stat tree.

Grim dawn has guns and feels steampunk. Totally different/worse atmosphere, the game just fits weird.

I’m a huge D2 fan but I need to pull back here

Saying “will always be” is quite a statement. Grim Dawn got very, very close (imo) to eclipsing D2 in terms of every metric except storytelling… could just never get into the story of the game. Outside of that though… Class depth potentially better, skill system is better but it also was worse in terms of items, class fantasy, and skills.

ARPG… probably. I could make an argument for Grim Dawn but the atmosphere just doesn’t make me care enough, lol. Any game on the market… bold statement and I’d say no by a long shot. Other genres just bring more depth in general than ARPGs

Clunky, I think, is usually aimed at the graphics/movement engine which was just a result of age more than an inherent flaw of the game itself.

It really did need a remaster to some degree because getting it to run on PCs was just an annoyance. It was beginning to show it’s age finally in the last 5 years I feel so glad to see the facelift for certain.

Same… I REALLY liked the classes of the game but the repetitive scenery started grating at me after awhile. Still… was sad when my lifetime membership ended, heh

Diablo 4 is already doomed. Probably going to fall harder than Diablo 3. I mean, tehuhuh, sorceress turning into a lightning ball? Druid becoming bear and man back and forth, wolf and man back and forth? Riding horses?! Rogues going into dimensions?? What?! Even fortnight generations aren’t going to find that appealing.

mm…? It is. eh?? Oh, you’re upset.

lol k.

need more letters

No comment on Sorc as I apparently missed the lightning ball… but…

I honestly don’t feel like this is a bad take on the Druid class. I want to actually sit down and play it first but it might allow a huge amount of fluidity to the character and allow for a very dynamic gameplay. I like my D2 Druid but I’m willing to see how this plays as I think the vision for it is fine.

If the size and scope of D4 is what we’re being lead to believe this might be a welcome addition imho. Diablo 4, scope wise, is what it sounded like the Blizzard North team was kicking around for D3 before that studio was disbanded. I’m interested to see what a larger and more involved living world of Diablo will look like tbh… although, yes, wish it was the original team and not 20ish year slater >.>

Rogue… just like Lightning Sorc apparently missed this. I didn’t really like the horse dismount attack though from the Rogue for certain.

Grim Dawn is Titan Quest:Immortal Throne with some extras. It’s better than TQ, sure, but the end game itemization, and weird map set up/storylines towards end game get a bit funky and don’t feel as cohesive as D2 / D2LOD.

Totally AWESOME atmosphere. And compared to all the other 1000 ARPG´s really close to Diablo 2 in terms of gameplay.

yeah, which is D2 with some extras, too :slight_smile:

Like satyrs, one epic music score and a bunch of not-so-epic musical pieces, and an incredibly cheesy olympus boss fight…

Outdated game creation / search interface.

Non-existent in-game trading platform.

Underpowered / underwhelming skills.

Few runewords making 99% of unique items redundant.

Endless baal runs rather than end-game maps.

I’ve played this game since 16 years ago but OP must be living in nostalgia land.

True. When you look in other forums most people are open for new mechanics and stuff like that. But i mean its normal that we found here in a pure blizzard forum the most purists.

Unfortunately, Blizzard forums like these will have the most hardcore purists. People who wanted changes have already moved on.

Have to disagree on this one, while Grim Dawn is a pretty nice game, it is not an upgrade on Diablo 2, its a good attempt to create a game that has the same grim settings but its gameplay and especially itemization is of a lesser level than that of D2 (but this is something all other games I tried had, GD was one of the better ones though).

The original Blizzard North team that was President/Game directors of D2/D2:LoD initially left Blizzard North prior to the release of patch 1.10.

No problem, thats your opinion. But in facts grim dawn has a WAY better gameplay as D2. I mean D2 gameplay is totally outdated o_0. The skills in Grim Dawn (in combination with the devotions) are far above D2.

True, just my opinion, however Grim Dawn has better gameplay is not a fact either, but also an opinion.
I think its not bad, pretty good even, but the feel of doing things D2 still beats that of Grim Dawn for me (even though its very old), could I be upgraded definitely but for my senses its still better than those of the newer games (and everything that count in screens destroyed instead of enemies destroyed, most games are super fast paced and somehow get boring very fast for me).
Grim Dawn has a better speed and most skills feel like attacking not press 2 to delete enemies instead of kill them, but it still feels a little less facing enemies than slaying mobs than D2 imo (even after patch 1.10 which for me was a blessing and a curse).
The thing which makes me chose D2 above any game until now was the itemization however, again 1.10 put a dent in that with a number of OP runewords, but it is still nr 1 for me.
Again Grim Dawn did a pretty good job, they payed attention and made a great system, just not as good as D2.
Devotions are a nice addition, but they never got me excited and they do not raise that game above D2 for me, neither do the skills which feel less than D2 for me, but not bad as such.
Only real downside I would name to Grim Dawn is many things (mostly missions/quests) feel like a chore to be done before being able to continu, now this is true for many (actually most) games, even D2 has a few of these but luckily not many.
Grim Dawn isn’t one of the worst games on this department, but it does have to many quests that you do because you have to not because you want to, I guess I just hate filler quests.