To the people that want hammerdin nerfed

it would be important that uniques are adapted so that they can keep up with the powerful rune words, so that you are happy about such drops again and that many more rares can also play at the top with the right roll.

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Tbh nerfing Hammerdin is kind of nerfing the very soul of D2 at this point.

Hammerdins rose…. Then they were struck down by Blizz… then they rose AGAIN!!!

And now the Hammerdins are once again threatened by change. Who will win? The Hammerdins or the Blizzdrones?

Only time will tell…. And the road we travel upon will be paved in blood and brimstone

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Hui, everything is okay again.

if the first is 10
the second best was 9
the rest was 5 average

if we nerf 10 the gap betwen the best and the average will be 4 now instead of 5

its a start, right?

look at 2.4, they are doing that
maybe their objective is to not let anyone faceroll p8 without investing 2 bers


I will feel less useless and silly playing another class.

But then again, there are sorc or java than will ruin the experience of a non S Tier build.

That’s why such mechanic is important to the game

I think the team plans on more updates down the road, but we’ll see.

and who say we start on 10?
anyway let’s nerf until 1 all right?

and where are the builds changes? i don’t saw people playing anything diferent after the changes they did, in any case the opposite people where crying about the auradin a lot, but no one made an auradin to play.

So you see, that’s what’s wrong with the mentality of the people.

so you play those crap builds because they are fun for you right?
so instead of ask for a buff and make them more fun, you just want to destroy the fun of others to make you feel better?

you realize that this will not make any change in your build? you may get an inmediate good feeling, but once you start playing again with you fun crap trash build you will realize how wrong you was.

I mained the new bowazon for ladder. Seen lots of Fohdins, Druid summoners, nova sorcs. Plenty of folks tried the new builds.


No need to nerf hammerdin, just buff other classes and is good. I don’t care, we are free to play with anything. I have all classes 90+ and my favorite is the Barbarian.
I don’t get it, why a strong class in this game can make ppl jealous of it? lol, it’s so crazy.


That is power creep. Buffing 6 classes to match an overpowered one is not the answer.


What fun of OP builds? Your mentality lacks. The game is already too easy overall. And you want it to be baby mode.

What does that help? Nothing. Will be boring very soon. People like you do not have the mindset for such a decision. Think deeper.

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I win a more balanced and engaging game and leaderboard. I win a new perspective where perhaps developmenta might nake the game more challenging rathee than easier.

What i really need is an unbroken pc so i dont ha e to type on my phone.

Until then, ill happily accept a nerfed hammerdin as my win of the week :trophy:

i think you lack of information to say that.

1- you don’t even need to buff 6 classes
2- power creep it’s real sometimes, NOT in this game.

javazon = faster in cows (not even that OP hammerdin can be as faster than javazon, or even a nova sorc.
So we should nerf javazon aoe damage because she is OP right? let’s balance all!!!

druid = a lot of survivality, let’s nerf his life and summons etc… he have a lot of life, isn’t fair for the other characters, let’s balance it!!!

Assasin = just trash, really, trash, OH i know!! let’s lower the level of all other characters to mix assasin!!! let’s balance them all!!!

and bla bla bla… i only see a lot of beautiful words from your part but none of them have a little think before just write them.

think in general and the whole content and what can do every build etc…

balance it’s not nerf, it’s see where’s the problem and see what will happen when you “nerf” things.

how i told you, if they nerf hammerdin, people will continue without play the other builds, specially in this game.

5 is fine

pet druid is there
very funny build

amazon needs infinity
sorce’s tele should be nerfed

what exactly are you crying about?
not being able to solo p8 as if it were p1 hardly caring about immunes?

gosh, such spoiled player

An old video, but hopefully this will set the stage of what power creep is for you:

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Not if their merc has conviction. Conviction breaks all lite immunities. So a properly end game built javazon can ignore all immunities, just like hammerdin.

Well yeah, but that’s expensive. Gotta work for that Infinity.

why 5??? i think it’s too much i want it at 3, 5 will be to easy.

i would bought fohdin

i can kill pretty easy on p5 with any java from the market in cows hell, god i don’t even need any other gear, just that blue java 1-6 damage.

why you don’t self nerf yourself? i mean you don’t like hammerdin because it’s strongh. you can make less strongh by not giving him hoto or shako etc…
no one it’s forcing you to make it 515615641541k of damage?
Why you want force others to live with a nerf that you can do it right now for yourself?


are you really comparing a spec that only does well on basically one map against another that plays well for 80% of the game?

wow, this is what i call a biased view

but then it wouldnt be the game that would be balanced

let me ask you something

why do you want to keep hdin so OP?