To the people that want hammerdin nerfed

Ok, i just have a simple question for that people that want hammerdin nerfed.
the question it’s the next:

What you win if they nerf hammerdin?

Please only serious answers, avoid the troll, avoid bad words and if posible only people that want hammerdin nerfed comment here.
Thank you all.


Get TZ’s balanced for normal builds, not for “stupid to aimadin”.


sorry, that wasn’t the question.
the question it’s
what you win if they nerf hammerdin?


What you win if they nerf hammerdin?

Simple Answer. It would be normalized to the strength of other builds.

But my issue with hammerdin is that its needs 2x Spirits which he can wear with lvl 25 and faceroll hell Difficulty.


Blizz wrote they got feedback from hamerdin players that TZ’s are to easy and that they want to so something about it, so yes that answers your question.


same thing as the other guy above, what you said here don’t answer the question.
the question it’s
what you win if they nerf harmmerdin?

sorry but no, the question it’s what you win if they nerf hammerdin?


I’ll win TZ’s that i can actually play without needing an hamerdin WTH is so difficult to understand about that?


I play hardcore
In hardcore, it’s a lot more common for a bot to die if it’s not a paladin which will lead to a better economy of items and runes is a win
Nerfing the only build that can kill everything in-game with ease will add to more deaths, slower progression for the noobs, and obviously more deaths. All of this is a win if you are competitive about leveling and trading.

The biggest win is that a lot of actually good players won’t feel obliged to play Paladin or be in a disadvantage


you will win what? sorry i didn’t know that this game was E-sport.

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Guys, OP is just trolling. its so obvious. Don’t bother and don’t feed the troll


Sry my fault

Didn’t realise you’r talking about yourself.

Have a nice day.


Where i’m trolling? if you can’t find a valid argument on a simple question isn’t my bad.
i just trying to make realize people that nerfind anything ON THIS GAME it’s absolutely naive.

you don’t win nothing nerfing any build.
you nerf hammerdin then people will play sorc, then you guys are going to ask for nerf sorc also??
Ok they nerf sorc, then people will switch to the next “OP” build. So you guys will ask for a nerf also and go on? right?

THIS game isn’t an e-sport
THIS game it’s a PvE game
you can auto “nerf” yourself, it’s ez the hammerdin?? want him 5k damage?? easy change your gear and auto nerf yourself to 5k

Don’t destroy the fun to other people because you are so weak to “auto nerf” yourself.
This game it’s for FUN.

Now go and say something intelligent if you can, try to say that i’m wrong with a valid argument.

You can’t and you know it, that’s why the first you said when i throw at you a valid argument it’s that i’m trolling, tipical defense of people like you that can’t make any argument because your only existence it’s to destroy the fun of the other people.

Have a nice day.


Here I will repeat it for you if you are too blind or trying to avoid the reality.

Hammerdin can clear the whole game extremely quickly with very little gear and with very little risk of dying. Which is an extreme advantage in hardcore.
This makes hammerdin a no brainer build for anyone who wants to rush to 99 or just blast with ease through the game

There is NO other build that can do this with that little gear and effort.

Hence why it’s OP and has to be nerfed.


The Hammerdin has been a one-trick pony build for quite long enough. It could use some balancing.


You are right. And the reason is that you are stubborn and blinded. Hence you are the troll.

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Some people just have to be left behind, as harsh as that may sound.

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and what you win if they nerf hammerdin?

hammerdin without enigma = trash and slower than a simple sorc.
hammerdin without resistance = trash
hammerdin without + skills = trash
hammerdin without invest at least 5 hr’s = trash

a normal person will take 2 weeks to 2 months get enough to build a hammerdin depending on how many free time he have.

You want balance?? ask for buffs, not for nerfs

to finish any build it’s strong when you spend enough on it.


I detect a noob there

No point in talking to a noob about game balance


Hopefully a more versatile and engaging hammerdin instead of a boring button mashing hammer tornado.

Anyone with a brain stem can play a hammerdin.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: How to you manage that? Naked?