To all the people hating on LGBT people for the pronoun change

Stop. We didn’t ask for this change. Blizzard went out of their way to change pronouns of established characters on their own accord when no asked for the change.

I am non binary and I find the change to be incredibly dumb. The characters in the game are gender locked and have no customization like a typical modern game. A Sorceress refers to a female character hence why there is no sorcerer. I have always been fine with a Sorceress being referred to in game as she/her. A barbarian is fine to refer to as he/him.

To be honest Im tired of companies doing stuff like this because all it does is bring attention and hate to a group of people that just want to live our lives like everyone else. Want to have character custumization where you can pick your gender in D4? Sure, go ahead and add that feature. But why change something so arbitrary in a 20 year old well established game?

So, as a nonbinary person, for anyone thats upset over this change get upset with Blizzard not us. We didn’t do anything and didn’t request this. I personally think the change was incredibly dumb myself and is nothing but a failed attempt to pander to the LGBT community to try and save face for other poor actions they’ve made in the past.


Not any type of member of anything, but well said! Glad someone can see through this glaring fake
We AlL lOvE yOu crap.


Yep. Just seriously tired of companies and people in general trying to “help” or offer “support” when its nothing more than a “look at me doo good things. Aren’t I great?”

People out there fighting battles that aren’t theirs and doing nothing but making it harder on the people they pretend to help. If anyone wants to help us just leave us alone and treat us like any other ordinary person. That’s the biggest help anyone can do.


Correct me if I’m wrong but most of the first original posts were against blizzards actions themselves and not directly against the trans or LGBT community.


This is mostly true but you have random people mixed in hating on trans people. It was an expected outcome to a change like this that no one asked for. Which is why they should have never done it in the first place. They should just save any gender selecting features for new games like D4 and any future releases.


That’s the good stuff right there. Again, I’m not part of anything out of the norm, but that’s something we all can get behind.
I’m glad to see the “other side of the table” has some good, solid common sense.


There are extremists sitting at both ends of the table but most people are just ordinary folk regardless of which side of the table they sit on. Sadly those extreme few are very loud and misrepresent both sides of any issue that exists.

Remember people, whether its left wing or right wing, they are still both part of the same bird.


But people like this enjoy shoving their religion (and yes the sjw cult is a religion) down “the bigots” throats. They get off on it. This is meant to hit a demographic, they despise, in the face.


They about to ban me bud. You take care. Had some fun discussions. :stuck_out_tongue:

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i don’t play gayhardin and gayazon


Nah, they are ticking boxes. They must have already hired an incredibly expensive PR/HR consultancy to advise them on these issues. “How not to get sued. Again”.


This hate mongering tirade will be down soon. There is a report button if you feel elmo touched you.


:rofl: :joy:

I would accept a beard for the amazon and a bra for the barb if that would make the fascist scum leave the community.

SJWs are just as bad as the bigots. The hatred both spread is weakness which is why they all cry on the internet. Although Im different Ive had rarely any encounters in person but the same people Ive known will go online and preach their foolishness. Its sad really and I pity the bigots and SJWs alike.


It is not a religion. How incredibly ignorant can you be?

“Stop. We didn’t ask for this change. Blizzard went out of their way to change pronouns of established characters on their own accord when no asked for the change.”

Wait did Blizzard already change the pronouns of the characters in Diablo 2 Resurrected?


No. Idk what was even changed. They didn’t go into detail what exactly changed.

I also have to say, you said this perfectly. I totally agree!

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