Titan's vs Thunderstroke

I am pretty sure that was asked before, but i got both of them and have no ideia whats better. Cant test them yet they are for a future character. Is one of them strickly better then the other, or do they have their ins and outs? And what are those?

Overall titan are better pvm/pvp early game or ultra late game.

Lower requierements, + stats and resplendish ( can be eth )

For high end pvp
Thunderstroke are only usable for attack speed ( a +15ias/15res jewel on griffon is a better alternative. )
magic +6/40 are better, yellow with ias +4 are better too

I prefer Titan’s. Tstrokes does more damage, but Titan’s are more convenient as the stack size is larger and the stack replenishes - so there is less hassle with repairs. (Even with Titan’s and good damage to gear, I usually repair after a cow run.)

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ive been debating whether titans or ts is better for a long time. amazon being one of my 2 favorite classes and i am coming to this conclusion: titans totally better except for 2 things: 1. ts is far more effective against lightning immunes thanks to -15 to lightning res mod. if it was not for this mod titans revenge would be better hands down. the other thing is killing act bosses tstroke seems to beat. i have a titans and a tstroke and i use the titans mostly but hit the w key to switch our my gear to tstroke if im doing baal or one or the bad mo fos.


Titans for fury, thunderstroke for charged :grinning:


Titans can be eth because of replenish pretty much ends this debate :roll_eyes:

Exactly this. Titans - fury /// Tstrokes - charged

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Could you explain the +6 skill, 40 ias magic thing please? I don’t play zon so I don’t understand it but would like to know for future considerations.
Does that mean the dmg on the javelin does not matter? sorry I don’t understand

For the lightning part of the damage, doesn’t matter, but the physical damage aspect still matters of course, because the more physical you do, the more you leech. And lightning fury is a very mana intensive skill. For plus 6 skill, that would refer to the thunderstroke as it can give +2 to javelin skills and up to +4 on the individual skill. I prefer titans due the fact it always gives a consistent +2 skills and +2 javelin. It can also be ethereal since it replenishes quantity and can be upgraded to the elite weapon class via cube. It is simply better in every way, including faster run/walk, leech.

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Almost. 6/40’s are best in slot but are NOT Tstrokes. They are magic (blue) Javs that have 6 to jav skills and 40 ias . The 40 ias allows you to hit the necessary ias bp’s for CS and TF without things like highlords, thus freeing up additional slots to run FCR for faster tele’s. An alternative to 6/40’s are 5/40’s which, unlike their counterpart, give 3 to jav skills and 2 to All Amazon skills, this helps pump your passive and magic skills. For the record though, 6/40’s and 5/40’s are some of the rarest most expensive items out there. Oftentimes doubling the price of JMOD itself (another BIS Java piece). All in all you can reasonably hit 68 or 99 fcr bp with 6/40 or 5/40 and jmod with CS doing 1-14000 x 12 and tfury doing close to 4.5k lite dmg at the 2nd fastest ias bp. Faster teles, more damage, faster attacks but heavy on the wallet. Good luck! -Heidi

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So, with sunder charms, whats better for PvM on P8? Titans, Thunderstroke or 6/40?

Like, what really makes Titans Revenge better than Thunderstroke? Replenish and life leech? Status arent that necessary, FRW neither if you use enigma… Life can be recovered by potions and you kill everything before they hit you.

The most relevant status seems the +2 to all skills, that helps a lot with pierce if not using Razortail, and also with evade skills.

So, after playing some time with Javazon, Ill try to help this out:

Titans Revenge: use this if you want to make long runs or to spam lightning fury without going back to city; you don’t want to use Enigma

Thunderstroke: use this if you want more damage

6/40: use this if you want more damage for PVP or Ubers

Strokes for sure imo.

Easier IAS BP, and a sundered enemy has 95% Light Res so if you do 100 lighting damage youre.only doing 5. Now with the -15 light res strokes you’re now doing 20 damage. That’s x4 the damage. So the value for -res is more important than ever vs light immune.

Also that replenish feature on TG isn’t like you’re getting 10 per second, in a full minute you’re getting 12 stacks. Id rather take 10 seconds to repair and get a full stack. It’s basically like you wait around for it to replenish, or you take that same time and just sell/repair.

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Some serious thread necroing going on here, im surprised its not one of those P8 slider corpses. But yeah titans is just Qol compared to Thunderstroke which makes them better for PvM in my opinion and i always use non eth too since the replenish mod cant quite keep up so u still have to repair when spamming to much and doing multiple runs in a row

What about demon’s arch ?

I think this is a good temporary. But no +skills, and its bonus damage uses Attack Rating to proc. So, not that good, but good until you get Titans or a good Thunderstroke.

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right, but thunderstroke does not replenish its quantity

you just need to repair it on city

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that is sometimes too often, esp in p8

but yeah, that’s how it is

that’s why I am using demon’s