Tips on farming HoZ?

Really want to get a Herald of Zakarum shield this season. Where do I farm for it? I want to know where to grind until I hate seeing the scenes in whatever area I need to go to. I am level 90 offline, 49 NL and 76 in ladder, and have never once seen it, or an Ist, or anything I could possibly trade for it.

Odds are figured with 1 player, 300 magic find, hell difficulty.


Well mine dropped on a Andariel kill in hell, the wife and I were just leveling up. Not much magic find either.

Meph over and over and over


From those odds, it looks like NM Diablo and Meph. Farming in Hell has worse odds…

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NM Diablo can drop some of the best items in the game. NM Baal as well. NM Baal can drop Harlequin Crest aka Shako.

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Andy or Meph
Don’t waste your time in NM!!
Hell Andy minimum.

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It’s a pretty rare item. I’d say even rarer than Shako in a lot of cases. If you’re lucky Mephisto will drop you one but I wouldn’t count on it. Better to trade for an item like that. If you’re using it for Foh it’s probably BiS, but if Hdin I’d go with spirit pally shield with high all res base.

Andy → Meph
Add diablo to your run if you can literally teleport to seals and kill champs in 2 seconds. If you’re running a noob MF char, just andy and meph are the best stops.

grind out nm meph and norm baal

Can you count to 700? I would say your best bet is 700 Trav Council runs. Easy.

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If people aren’t geared for Hell, NM is the best choice. I see people rush to Hell a lot and soon find out they aren’t geared for it.

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I tend to farm an area that I have fun in and use any items they drop that I don’t need, to trade for what I actually do need.

That’s easier than setting an expectation for one specific item.

If you happen to get one the the specific items you need along the way that’s just a bonus

My first one came early, NM, Flayer Dungeon IIRC. I was Shocked. Still using it now at lvl95.
My second came not too long after, NM, Mephisto… I was like, what the heck, 2!! That one is still in my stash.
My third one was on a weapon rack in the Countess chamber… one of the rooms that was full of gold. What??? Gave that to a online-friend.
One character has found all 3… don’t know what his MF is, but it’s not worth noting… something like 61ish…

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In d2 you dont farm items. You farm spots. If you get the items you need cool, but odds are, youre going to have to trade others to finish your characters.


As others have mentioned, the best places to farm for HoZ are listed below:

-Diablo actually has one of the best chances in NM to drop the class specific uniques.
-Mephisto can drop HoZ, but it would be like finding a HR as HoZ is at the top-end of the TC tables for him.

-Andarial is a good option. Most folks report finding it within 300-1000 runs. You may also drop things like Shako, SoJ, BK Ring, Tal’ Amulet, etc while farming.
-Mephisto is another good option for the same reasons above, except you now have an opportunity to drop Arachnid’ Mesh, Andy’ Visage, among other elite uniques that have significant value.
-Diablo/Chaos: If your run speed is fast and you can clear mobs, this is my favorite location because it opens up the possibility of dropping HR’s and the very best items in the game.
-Baal is not worth it IMO. You want to shoot for kills per hour and his waves slow things down way too much.

Happy hunting.

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Nah come on. Spirit sword, rhyme sheild, stealth armor, 3 ptopaz helm and as many resists and mf as you can get on boots gloves rings and ammy isn’t too hard to find. The rest is whether you are doing a practical starting build and whether you have the skill.

i found one in my second pindleskin kill on nightmare, p1, 300ish MF.

I found one in Hell Trav. Wich is a great place because of the HR drops. You could drop one and change for a HoZ and other stuff you need.

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NM Pindle is one of the best HoZ spots. NM Baal too. Same with Skullder.

I know because I pindle kill to level during SP runs. Pretty much the best target p8 nightmare for leveling if you aren’t leveling a melee build.

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