I understand the changes to the bowazon. I understand that she was a strong character in PvP. I understand she’s stronger and how she’s stronger. She’s not the only build to be made stronger.
I’m sure there were these exact same comments made for every D2 patch ever made. I am sure 1.10 was a complete and total meltdown by the pvp community.
It’s always the end of the world, I get it. If its not worth it, it’s not worth it. D2: LoD is there for you.
To argue nothing has changed for pvm bowazon is pretty ignorant. Always funny, pvp trolls trying to talk about pvm.
Ignorant? Says the guy who didn’t even test the change on PTR. Maybe you should get your information in order before you post nonsense. Also most PvP guys may know more about PvM and game mechanics than you will ever know, but what to expect from someone with a very limited insight.
Hello Fanboy, please stop stalking me. I see you have nothing to contribute to this topic, so just leave and play silently like a good little puppy.
Jeez guy, you don’t know anything about me. So hostile, so much aggro. Go outside and touch the grass.
Bowazon got an awesome buff for PvM. She doesn’t need to one shot P8 for it to make a difference. You keep saying nothing has changed and that the buff wasn’t even meaningful foe PvM. Then go on to complain about how she got so much more damage, which is super important for PvM, particularly higher Player Settings. You don’t even make sense. You just exclusively care about PvP and want everyone to care as much as you. Sorry dude, some (most?) people care more about pvm than pvp. You aren’t the main character of Diablo 2.
Anyways, keep on raging dude. That will definitely get people to take you seriously.
Yeah, right? This guy’s makes both arguments simultaneously!
Another said that it is about as fast, perhaps a bit slower, than lighting sorc and hammerdin.
I replied that Blizzards stated goal is to shake up the meta (that applies to pvp too) so if they tuned bowazon to be roughly competitive with other meta builds then they exactly succeeded.
Eh, I love the 2.4 notes. I’m playing a few characters on PTR, super excited. I’m perfectly happy to see other builds succeed. Just makes me want to try more stuff.
For real, if D2R turns to garbage (I don’t think it will) we still have d2 LoD. We still have great mods. We still have single player d2r with mods. They can always revert, rollback, fine tube, and adjust any changes they make. D2 was in a constant state of flux back in the day. This is nothing new.
I know that you have 0 clue about PvP from your statements. I know that you didn’t even test the change yourself on PTR. And I can judge your attitude by your post.
So what do I need to know about you after you told me to go back to D2:LoD because you don’t like my statements about the change?
Maybe you should reread what I said about the Bowzon buffs. But it seems you can’t grasp the written word.
I care about both aspects of the game. PvP and PvM. The changes are bad for one mode in the current state and doesn’t really help in the other.
Said the troll that didn’t even test the change and doesn’t care about PvP, but tries to discuss both.
You should get over your losses, little puppy. It’s really sad that you stalk me now and beg for the approval of other forum users.
The funny thing is for zone the Strafe/GA/MS changes really don’t amount to a hill of beans. Even if you dropped Valk to max the synergies… it’s still only what 300 ED?
ED is additive so it is diluted by auras and fortitude for sure, but bowazons do really need that extra damage to help them feel good in PvM. They require so much gear and GG charms to function well at all in hell. 240-300% ED makes a big difference when you’re operating at the edge of viability/efficiency.
I mean personally I’d prefer they left it alone to keep it a more challenging build. I’m just not overly upset because I know it’s not really going to amount to as much as some people seem to think. Personally I’m still not going to invest in GA for PvM so it still only amounts to less than 100ed on strafe. I’d rather have the beefy Valk/Decoy than 200 ed.
Going to note here that I’m running a windforce setup so needed a few points in other skills as well.
seems like PvPers could place restrictions on hard points into the skills/synergies and negate most of the damage increase.
Yeah, dodge and avoid got some nice buffs but those skills were stupid broken, people didn’t even want to 1 point them because they were a nerf to your character.
The FHR changes effect everyone so… /shrug.
I’d test the damage diff to see if I wanted that extra bit from guided, but yeah strafe and multi would be my main jam for PvM I think.
Oh so we have to keep the same old boring meta. Where you don’t get any more viable builds other than the ones we already have. I am sure that it doesn’t hurt the game at all to have more viable builds. It will breathe some life into the game. You have to realize that we bought a live service instead of a game that is just a one and done remaster instant maintenance mode.
You can beat the game with points put just about anywhere. Does that mean it’s viable?
Do you man competitive? If so competitive with what? What’s the gold standard here. Does it need to be able to clear Chaos/Cows in 2-4 minutes? Does it need to be able to handle all immunities? Does it need to be able to kill Ubers? Does it need fast clear with high MF? Does it need to be good in PvP? Where is the goal post?