This game desperately needs p8 (& more slots+stash, ploot, classic shared stash, charm inventory, etc.)

There are better option but these kids can’t let go of their afk leech Baal runs lol.

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P8 will ruin the economy more than JSP, pay to win or any other third party website combined. All that these sites do is making already existing items change hands with little to no change in the value of the item itself and since duping seems to be a thing of the past this should not have any meaningfull impact on economy at all. P8 on the other hand will have a much larger impact since the supply of items will increase and the demand will be less which will decrease the value as the ladder progress

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Are you smoking crack bro? JSP allows people to buy currency with real $$ to purchase items, it allows people to use currency they have saved up over the 20 years of D2 to purchase items, it allows people who bot to sell items for JSP currency, and more.

Are you under the impression that P8 rains loot from the sky like D3? You are mistaken.

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Calm down, seriously. You just defeated your self by opening with an attack on fellow players.

the /players8 would be too much, and cause economic collapse ingame. Nobody would trade anymore, they would just get it on their own instead. This minor detail serves to kill a games longevity, by removing an aspect of community.

more chat slots seems understandable, back then you could make a seperate account if you needed more chars(it was free btw, you didnt have to pay), so an unlimited number of char slots would be cool up until people took all the names and sold them through 3rd party sites(something that was done back then, sadly). I can see raising the char slot limit by 5, giving you room to make ladder chars. you shouldnt need 20 mules, at that point you should just trade or give it away lol…hording ingame…

anyway, a charm inventory sounds cool. how many slots would it have though? can we still pack 40 sc;s? do the charms in our normal inv get disabled until they are placed into the charm bag? we dont want people running around with 80x 3-20-20’s cause thats just down right nasty. I only want it if the charms have to be in the bag to be active, and you get the same number of slots as your full inv. makes mf’ing easier, and has zero impact on pvp. potters pot anyway, and they can tele to town and buy more when they need to…so it doesnt change anything there.

what’s etc? cause I know for a fact the lobby needs some serious work. I’m talkin channels, like those old baal run channels and private channels you could make if you typed op before your account name. controller needs a join button too, cause currently you cant join while using a controller. getting to the join button means scrolling to the bottom of the list and pushing down one last time to get to ‘join’ which is dumb, and while you do that then the list refreshes lol. so i just M&K in the lobby for the sake of being able to chat or do anything at all.

So I am playing a Hammerdin and a Griffon’s Eye drops and you think I am not going to try and trade that for something I need? Get real lol.

Im not saying its ok they use real money im just saying it doesnt really change the value of the item. Whether the item belongs to you or some other guy that bought it with his credit card doesnt change the value of the item. As long as duping is a thing of the past the item has to be found ingame and thereby comes from the same supply pool there will be little to no difference in value at all. But P8 will see a massive increase in that supply pool once people get their javazon or hammerdin up and running since they will be doing runs almost as fast as P1

The only thing encouraging group play SOMEWHAT and keeping this game not single player online is the lack of players command. Personally I’d like to see more content that promotes group play, such as larger tile set maps where it doesn’t matter if there are multiple people because you’re not all killing baal.

That being said, if players command were to be implemented, I think players command should only be in non-ladder

Drops should be tuned to players 5 in ladder and baseline difficulty players 3, but ladder characters should not transfer over to non-ladder

¯_(ツ)_/¯ but that’s just me

I don’t really care if you bought your gg rare circlet with dollars. No one can see your gear anyways.

If you think someone playing legit with a Hammerdin or Javazon is going to gear up faster than the dude who has a bunch of FG on JSP from saving over the last 6 months of D2R you are mistaken. JSP is far more effective at killing economy than legit players using P8.

The guy with Engima and Infinity on week 3 of season one is 100% a JSP neckbeard.

while you are wrong about the severity of /p8, it would ruin the economy anyway. JSP ruined trade, I watched it come alive right around 1.11 or so and suddenly trades just started to drop off. then the value of items dropped. JSP did more harm than good for d2, in regards to trade. the only time I even bothered with jsp was when I decided to see what it was about. then I just played ladder slasher lol. knowing that JSP is back is unpleasant, I know this means trading is going to become a thing of the past. you wont be able to trade an arreats for a homunculous due to there being a fg difference. even though they are one and the same, but for different classes. it wont be 2 gul’s for a vex anymore, it will be a third one for some reason based on fg values. I dont like to think about it, I remember how bad it got back then. I would choose dealing with hackers in .09 over dealing with a dysfunctional ingame trade culture.

I suppose item selling sites like the ones always advertised on the lobby will be happy to hear about jsp’s return, easier money for them.

**forgot to mention that while some items values dropped, others had a over the top rise. flipping any hope of a good trade right out the window…

I’m actually intrigued as to how no one else complains about JSP for any other game. I bought my epic flying in wow on JSP. There’s a ton of other games you can buy stuff for. Yet, no one says a word about it in any other game forum.

It’s actually kinda nice to put in work in a game, leave it, and still have something left for the next one.

no, you’ll probably chuck it to a newb. because if you play hdin on /p8 then you’re going to find stuff pretty often enough to deminish the need for trade completely. when do you trade in sp? lol, and yet somehow you get fully geared pretty fast.

I stand by my opinion, /p8 would remove the economy.

Seasons in D2 are supposed to be a fresh start. If people can use 6 months of saved up FG to buy all their gear 2-3 weeks in, then it pretty much ruins the whole playing field.

The problem with 3rd party websites is u cant get rid of them they will always exist in trade games. Fact is economy wont change now unless u increase the supply thats just how things are. Increasing the supply will decrease value

Players trade because they can’t find what they need on their own. Allowing them to find what they need on their own is a bad thing? If p8 kills trading and the economy, what does that even matter, if (and because) any player can go out and find what the need on their own?

This seems infinitely preferable to an economy dominated by bots and RMT sites, including d2jsp, and a number of 3rd party trading sites all set up because the game itself does not do anything to facilitate trading.

If players can find anything they need on their own with p8, then it will be the end of RMT. Did we just solve RMT with p8? Thanks bro!


Yea I agree. If they enforced no JSP, I’d be down. That’s how it was in PD2. It was super cool.

But if it’s available and not against terms or being enforced in any way, I’m not just gonna not use it :confused:

Also why I think higher drop rates in ladder and deletion of characters at end of seasons would be nice.

It’s funny how much people bash mods of this game, yet the mods are so much better for obvious reasons such as no JSP, encouragement of team and group play, better meta, sorc, pally and Java not being the only thing worth playing, etc

If only it had the new graphics engine :frowning:

that sounds messy, but also defeats the point of making ladder-only runewords for your non-ladder chars. I’d rather it just not be on the servers at all, and stay in sp where it’s actually needed. I would like to see changes that promote group play too. I wish it was possible to report people for greifing if they came into your game and killed an important quest related boss for the sake of mf’ing though. there are so many non-essential things to kill for mf runs, that it’s just disrespectful to kill quest related bosses and needs to be something you can be temp-banned for. go greifing? enjoy being banned for a week! same for pk’ers who join a game where everyone is pvm’ing and they just roll everyone for fun. that there should be a perm ban, but I have a better solution: add the option to disable pvp in your created game.

What??? The fact you think trade would be 100% gone means you just never played P8. Loot does not rain from the sky, in fact, loot is still quite rare. Also, P8 is not something that you just complete Baal Quest in Hell and just start farming - there is required progress to move forward through the different difficultys and gear up to reach P8 efficency.

U really think people wouldnt use it ?? I bet u that even those mods have people using 3rd party websites. I have been playing PoE for a long time and even here people use JSP even though its ban reason

The thing I dislike about players command is how it’s used to manipulate and make the game easy when you want.

Keeping it off until you fight baal for example. If it comes into the game, it shouldn’t be a command. It should make all NPCs of the game tuned to the difficulty at the point of game creation. It should not be used as it is in single player which is basically a cheat used for convenience on one or two things and not the rest of the map

Yes. Senpai has people with old JSP accounts who bait others into trade and ban them. It turned JSP into a ghost town for PD2. Previous to him and his team doing that, there were thousands of people on there at all times. It worked and so does his methods to deter bots. A lot better than D2R. Like by miles. The main bot developer gave up on continuing to patch the bot as well. It’s in the bot makers discord.

Do bots still happen and jsp trades? Yes; but it’s like 90% lower than what it was if not more. They also have a great trading website to support the game that everyone uses. It’s very intuitive and easy to use