This game desperately needs p8 (& more slots+stash, ploot, classic shared stash, charm inventory, etc.)

then they need to make the game much harder.

make me want to group with random a*****es who will steal all the FFA loot in miliseconds.
or maybe make the loot individual, like d3. it’s 2022, they can change a couple of things QoL wise.

Did you bother testing that? One view per IP address Mith.

Imagine thinking that every view represents a unique user on a static IP and from only one device. :clown_face:

Slots: Some more should be added for characters, however this game will never equal the original due to how the original worked vs how modern works.

Stash Space: Stack tab, yes. Maybe more personal tabs when you complete a difficulty on Ladder, giving an incentive to play Ladder and rotate those characters into your non ladder roster, deleting ones you don’t need anymore (as most Ladders are going to see a Sorc usage at least).

Charm Inventory: I’m fine with this, but it should have limits and be optional without limits as it is currently. Limits should be not being able to move or remove charms from it while in the field.

Classic Shared: It was dumb to launch without this, and has probably limited the player pool that would play a character or two on Classic if it had it.

Players X/Personal Loot: Players X is not a Bnet thing. The multiplayer aspect needs improved, not the solo aspect. Personal Loot can NOT be worse than playing solo, else it will barely see a player pool that won’t complain about drop rates. It can also not be D3 Torment Levels of Loot Pinata, else it would make gearing up boring, not to mention mass Account Bound items, which would limit the trading pool for those that played Global/Party Loot, if it was an option.

I’m for the change. I don’t have as much animosity toward the opposing view as some, but I’d like to see this. Would benefit those of us who aren’t using 3rd party programs and who want to get rewarded for a difficulty that is actually harder as a solo player. Not to mention the dang game list is atrocious right now.


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While that might be true, it takes 30 seconds to get a new I.P. Address. Unique readers could is WAY less than that. In fact, daily participants on these very forums is like 10% of that (this is very, very generous percentage).

So yeah, the guy who brought up views did not think this through. A more fair and unbiased would be comparing it to the likes of “purists” topics.

For example even this topic got like 20 likes in just ONE day. The “Rate of Likes” is way higher than any “purist” post in these forums entire history:

Let’s not kid ourselves, the majority truly want those changes.

p8 for nonladder would be nice :+1:

Do you realize what you are asking?
For the past 20 years this game has been destroyed by botting programs on PLAYERS 1.
So If the existence of botting programs at players 1 can ( not every botter has 8 bots available to run different areas efficiently in the same game ) destroy Ladder economies within 24 hours of launch…
Imagine now same botters get p8 loot instead of p1-p3 loot… Just imagine :smiley:

I am not saying I am 100% against changes like this, but certain things needs to be changed ( contained ) before this should happen. Also I think being able to solo create a game with higher than Players1 Loot - it should be earned … e.g. In-game achievement system that requires from you to achieve multiple things within a Ladder in order to unlock higher player difficulty settings. But that’s a bit too much work for the neglected Diablo 2 we all love. At least we have got online servers for the past couple of decades… :smiley:

If I was Blizz myself - I would:
— put an requirement for players 2-3:
100 kills of each Andariel, Mephisto, Diablo Hell diff. 50 Baal Hell kills. 50 Cow King kills. 50 Countess Kills. 50 Summoner Kills. 50 Nihlathak Kills.
Once you achieve that you get unlocked p2-3 setting.
— put an requirement for players 4-5:
Unlocked players 2-3 setting!
Kill Mini-uber bosses 10 times ( any of the 3 counts). Kill Uber-Tristram bosses 10 times ( any of 3 counts ).
Kill Uber Diablo 10 times.
Once you achieve that you get unlocked p4-5 setting.

Note: I would not allow p6-7-8 to be accessible. Simply it should remain only for groups. We can’t have it all the same you know.

No game should be balanced arounds bots, bots already use fillers, etc.
That talking point is weak, sorry.

Still zero logical counter-arguments, still the majority wants, still Diablo II stays abuse-to-win as we all see everything I have written happens in this “Ladder”.


This game desperately needs p8 (& more slots+stash, ploot, classic shared stash, charm inventory, etc.)

Lol. People feel so entitled. If you don’t like D2 systems, stop playing. D2R was brought back for D2 fans. Go play D3.


A counterargument is if you do not like the fact that D2R changed relative to D2 at rekease, in patches, and in the future, one can still play D2 as it was.

D2R is a live service game with bakance changes, new runewords, etc…

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You do realize of course that everyone who says “droprates are fine, always have been” only think so because the markets have always been flooded with items found by player run bots.


Don’t use logic and common sense please, how dare you. The sad part is no matter how much you write it and try to make people more aware of it by educating them, the more they ignore you and go into robotic “go play D3!!”.

D2Communism streamer: “Drop rates are fine!”. His “helpers” found him a Jah and Ber second (or was it first) day on Ladder most likely by cheating/abusing the game, or FG/$$.

Isn’t that what I just said? If market is flooded with items due to people bot on players 1… What would happen if they start bot on players 8 ? Can you guess?

Yes and no

Sure the player command would be a nice thing

But it would be great if the buff came from ingame actions rather than console

Monsters get harder the more players

Would be fun if they also get harder… the lesser of them are remaining

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If market is already flooded without p8, what is your concern?

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i agree 100 percent most of those streamers end up in almost bis or perfect gear and charms, because they get it for FREE. You literally have guys in fully decked out pvp toons with 45 life charms and 20 5 scs. If not those streamers are close instead of 45 lifers its 35-40 lifers and 17-5-19-5 life res small charms.

These guys are literally playing diablo2 10 -12 hours a day, some guys are using bots some are using forum gold on d2jsp that they have saved on there for years. We need a charm inventory , one where you get the benefits from said charms, any charms in your regular invertory give no benefits. The charm inventory would be the same size and your regular invetory.

We need gem and rune stacking. We need item stacking make it so if you have spirit you can stack up to 10 spirit sword on one toon. We need to increase the max toons of 20 to 80.


I have 10 spirit packs available for an ist if you want. Includes hel.

I have made 5 such trades :stuck_out_tongue: how about you?

My only gripe is that you can’t stack runes.
I feel that would be a very welcomed change.

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I just want game sniping to go away. /players x is already on bnet via game sniping. Also it’s available to any streamer. Might as well just add it. It’s not like bots aren’t already running with /players 8 at will.