The power will surge through you veins

The only thing that surged through my veins was anger when I found that the MF only applied to online play. Single player of course, had no buff. You took TCP/IP away and it’s plain to see that single player customers are not the customers that you want to support. The Cow King on single player was the last creature that I killed in this game. Now, it will go on the shelf, along with WOW and Diablo III. Thanks a lot.


Easily remedied:Use character editor, cook up a small charm, add 50% mf, save char, dump charm in shared stash, use it on your main character.

Once event is over, sell the charm! :+1:


If you au single player you can edit in any bonuses you want.

You can literally use heroeditor in single player… single player is a hack show… the game is online only, offline play can’t even be considered legit or serious.

Would love to see TCP/IP return!

same for the barb nerf :rage: they lie to us

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Your misunderstanding of a Ladder buff is not devs fault. It’s yours. It’s hard to swallow, but the thruth is never easy.

Ok. Ok. I apologize for my outburst. Had a horribly stressful day at work, sat down to play some magic finding weekend stuff and it was not available to single players. Not that it would have done me any good due to the fact that I run with 675% mf every where I go but it was just the idea of leaving us single players out.
I will just get a few things off my chest before I jump back into killing cows that really get to me.

  1. Single player gaming is disappearing and it sucks. I used to have an entire wall filled with my favorite single player games and it was great.
  2. Games that force you to play with other people in order to get through all of the content. Single players should be able to clear all content without the help of other people. Should it be hard to do? Yes, but not impossible.
  3. The removal of TCP/IP from Diablo. Some of my best memories are from playing with my family members and being able to enter the /players command at will
  4. People that believe that TCP/IP = cheating. I’ve played single players for all of these years and I’ve never cheated or used any type of add on to gain advantage. That is not what single player mode means and that is not what TCP/IP means. In my opinion, it is the best way to experience playing Diablo.
  5. The fact that Diablo 4 appears to be going the way of WOW and many other games these days. It appears to be another MMORPG with dungeons, etc… This means, once again, that a single player will not be able to clear all of the game content and this also means that you will be forced to play with other people in order to clear the content and gain the wonderful items that are available in a dungeon instance.

I don’t give a rat’s butt about hero editor, maphack or project diablo. I just love to play Diablo 2 with my friends and family, from home, without worrying if Blizzards servers will be up today.
I my mind, single player is the way that the game should be played but if you’d like, you can hook up with other folks online. One should not be forced to do so.

Now, back to killing cows.

Single player is the superior version of Diablo 2. There’s no desync, there’s players8 and there’s static maps. Melee characters in particular feel so much better to play in single player.

It really saddens me that in D2R they funnel people into battle net, they log you in automatically, and they show you the online characters first. So people new to the game experience the worst version of it.