The paladin's Shield smite skill needs a nerf

Ironically I actually swapped over to WoW FOR my PvP needs when it came out. :stuck_out_tongue: Then shortly there after I swapped over to Guild Wars for the organized GvG and HA. Just like before WoW my PvP RPG was DAoC.

I love PvP man. I just think D2’s PvP is crap. Always has been. Regardless of trying to call it the end game the vast majority of D2 players throughout the years have spent next to no time PvPing on D2. There are just better games for it.

I would guess that these people have not even played the skill/gear either… and only hear others complain, or have watched a youtube video that highlights it.
Jealousy, envy… it sad.

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D2’s age was showing, neither it’s pvp nor pvm was terribly complex. I played wow and guild wars pvp as well, the organization and variety was definitely better but nothing can touch that fast pace isometric view combat, it just hits different. Those worlds were massive though, they had so much content that was story and exploration that Pvp was just a side note. With D2 once you’re done with the main quests it’s just a grind fest and pvp. It as fine for the time it was made but gaming has evolved since then.

this prove anything , your still a :sheep: here anyway . for wow i solo high warlord and kill over120k player like you in 3 month :slight_smile: with a success rate of 60000 Rating (0.1% of
players) to be crown

and think d2 have one of the best pvp :slight_smile:

Actually if you know anything at all about WoW PvP you’d know that people just make fun of HWL’s because they spam AV like no lifes. AV is barely PvP lol. People were getting HWL with multiboxes lol. Was all about the WSG/AB and world PvP. And later in TBC/Wrath arena.

That’s my entire point with D2 PvP. It’s a low APM no life fest that you either throw time or money at. It’s barely PvP.

maybe now , but not before watch the year of my video i`m wave 2 hwl :slight_smile: nice try :slight_smile: most player of my server know my is achievement legit :slight_smile:
:sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :joy: :joy:

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Dark soul 3, Elden ring is my best awesome pvp game list.

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smite is like one of the few balanced skills lol d2 melees needs all the buffs it can get cause its so inferior to casters

Nerf post, so no to all you said.

Stop pretending, you clearly haven’t been playing the game since the beginning

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been playing since 2004 so not far from but sure keep trying to gatekeep its cute

Lol the guy that’s gate keeping is mad someone else is gatekeeping him, that’s rich.

At least the balance between Melee characters is not right.

What we are discussing is a slight balancing of the smite skill used for offensive purposes.

It is nonsense that a paladin has the strongest melee skill than an assassin or barbarian.

Paladin is already the strongest class in D2R, but that’s why it needs adjustment.

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All paladins need a nerf. Just delete them. Walk past death - what?

I never, (we) want the paladin character to be removed.

With the last balance patch, Necromancer’s bone soul damage increased, but the fun was halved due to a rather bad effect in pvp.

Just because you’re strong doesn’t mean you’re a 1Tier character in PVP.

Balance in pvp is fun when everyone has a balance or compatibility.

for example, Dru>Nec>Ama>Pala>Baba>Asn>Sor

One of the reasons StarCraft has prospered is that each of the three races has their own personality, and I like the different builds that break the personality. and personality.

Blizzard’s games are undeveloped and similar because they are steeped in old-fashioned fame.

Rebooted Resurrection also makes various updates to surpass the reputation of the past, but rather destroys the balance that has not changed for 20 years (deleted FHR) and has the opposite effect.

Still sore from when my HC barb got pwned by a hammerdin 20 years ago - Hardcore. There is a wound that will never heal.

I am very sorry about your past. My condolences. R.I.P