For whom it may concern, the PDF for the original manual for D2:LoD can be found on the internet archive. I don’t know if linking it here is allowed but search engines are your friend (not necessarily the big tech that makes them).
I’ve been perusing it while playing an ancient patch of the game in a windows 2000 computer, it is a very nostalgic experience.
Isn’t it fun when you make a perfectly wholesome thread about reminiscing about the old times and the first comment is someone using it to take a jab at someone else?
Teleport was a very simply designed skill in Diablo 1 and 2, it spends a set amount of mana to move your character and has no cooldown, and that made it spammable. The devs maybe didn’t intend for it to be used to zoom around maps but regardless of their intent, they designed the skill in a way that allowed such play.
No, it doesn’t.
Not even the text you quoted. It says nothing about the frequency it can be used and gives two example of how it could be used, one you quoted (a Sorceress can make good use of this spell for evading capture) and one you ignored to twist the meaning. And it doesn’t say anything that it’s the whole intended purpose.
And the quote continues, and “otherwise inaccessable areas” goes in the direction of movement skill.
And if you really wanna get literal, then “for evading capture” doesn’t make sense since none of the player chars get captured, only killed.