The current patch is an insult to the whole pvp community

I dont even PvP and even I must say the changes they implemented for it with FHR/Stun immunity or whatever, was completely unnecessary and poorly thought out. Sigh.


At least they made sure you wonā€™t hostile he/she but them.

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Thats funny because when they removed WSG, people who are complaning now went into total cry mode over stuns. Thats why blizzard implemented FHR change in the first place.

The kind of comment we really appreciateā€¦ Thanks mate


I dont see how thats funny. They had a good balance with wsg, they made the situation worse by removing it. Then they made it even worse by going totaly in the opposite direction. Its almost as if balancing pvp necesite some game comprehension and some thinking / testing before doing random retarded changes.

What you said is basically like saying to a man who is burning in Sahara ā€œThats funny, you complain its too hot now, but when we were in alaska you complained it was too cold.ā€

This situation is 100% blizzard being retarded and touching things they dont understand


Players are quitting more and more every day because the FHR mechanics of this game make absolutely no sense. Please revert back to 2.3 fhr


Give some love to the PvP come onā€¦


I honestly agree with completely reverting. I would take WSG back as long as it comes with the old FHR.


100% how i feelā€¦ how do you ruin a game you suckered us into buyingā€¦ you knew we loved diablo 2 <ā€” you baited us with good graphics and some quality of life changes, but gave us a completely watered down game that we obviously fell in love with for the last 20 years. Why couldnā€™t you follow suite and do what you did with starcraft. Itā€™s sad but thanks for ruining mine and tons of others favorite game from our childhood.


Stop talking nonese like its some kinf od exodus. Its not. Maybe few people who pvp will leave, thats ii. Majority doesnt even care about it.

Its for some reason kind of funny to me watching pvp players constantly cry about something. Like they are never happy with anything.

They are not going back to reimplement glitches and bugsā€¦

People are still dueling and will keep dueling.


5 or 6 characters sitting in a room all controlled by teh same person is what pvp is now. ā€¦ Thats not pvp. Thats just someone playing with themselves because no one else is playing the game and they got the screens minimized.

Blizzard should just implement a completely different balance setting for PVP when players engage in hostile activities.

Blizzard, please just listen to the pvp community. 99% of your player bases exists to farm items for the PvP player base. Please just freaking listen to us and revert the FHR changes which effectively killed the Assasin class lmao, like what?

We told you numerous ways of how to fix this, but you simply ignore us? Please just fix FHR.


I think Blizzard dev got hostiled and got permastunned to death by ele druid smiter mindblast


I pvp alot. Tbh, fhr patch is the greatest thing that happened. So sick of tired of mindblast stun, leap stun, smite stun, like you canā€™t even make other builds around them. Even if patch is there, you stun for 1-2 seconds which is plenty. These guys literally want to finish u with 1 combo once they lock you.

Donā€™t revert back to 2.3 patch. Just move on


You cant play pvp anyway since you keep complaining how nothing drops.

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Sounds like it might drop now with terror zones

but whats the point of items when my whole point of playing the game is to have items to pvp with and they have destroyed pvp so the game iis pointless now]

its diablo 3 now. This is actually a better version of diablo 3 they just calling it a D2R. But this is clearly D3 8 player pve MMO nowā€¦ Its no longer a AARPG.

Pvp singer barbarian was fun. War Cry, a synergy intensive skill, with low damage, is currently only functional in pvp with stun-lock capability, which it no longer has.

Why not add ā€œreduces opponents faster hit recoveryā€ by xx amount up to 100% ( true 100% in pvp not 50% of your total, etc.) to stun / knock back skills, so that stun-lock is still possible if you are willing to make the skill investment.

Hahahhaha, welcome to the desert. The fact that you even think they listen to you is the game pulled over your eyes. To turn you from a free thinking individual into a mindless, yes-man.

Itā€™s one of my biggest complaints about some damned video game company. They do NOT listen to the people that give them the money. The PLAYERS. They do whatever the hell they want, regardless.
Stop letting them rule you. They need to start listening to the actual players, not botters. They need to stop just doing what they THINK we want. Hell they were so worried about some B.S. extra drop content for botters that they not only dissed you pvpā€™ers, they also slapped every legit player with an honest dialogue and did not bother with what they already broke. There are fixes needed that are a decade or more old. Chat lobby, HA! Basically they slapped you in the face and said shut the hell up. This is what WE determined you are gonna get. And you will like it. I am sure the botters and the d2stores appreciate the extra inventory.

egotistical wankers.

When are you damn people gonna stop patronizing these devs and make them stand up for YOU? Isnā€™t it high time after buying all the versions of this game over the years that they bowed their butts down in respect and listened to US???

Your choice, allow your face to be reddened and then bruised or stand THEIR butts up against the damned wall for once?

But Terrorzones makes it look so much more like Diablo 3 seasons with the aĢ¶wĢ¶eĢ¶sĢ¶oĢ¶mĢ¶eĢ¶ awkward and wĢ¶eĢ¶lĢ¶lĢ¶ Ģ¶tĢ¶hĢ¶oĢ¶uĢ¶gĢ¶hĢ¶tĢ¶ Ģ¶tĢ¶hĢ¶rĢ¶oĢ¶uĢ¶gĢ¶hĢ¶ created in a drunk stupor changesā€¦common donā€™t tell me I was the only thinking it right?