The amount of trans/NB hate is deeply troubling. Please act, Blizzard

That’s more of an issue of recognizing the current issues of society. It isn’t unrealistic to say that there is an unfair balance in representation between black and white people in the United States. You kind of have to look at the actual nuances of why people say things they do.
In the current situation, if someone of a non-white race says they wish there was more representation of themselves, they’re essentially pushing for what is a more mixed/diverse collection of leaders and characters and such.
Whereas, given white people are already by far the majority in these aspects and have historically been so, more white representation means preventing the more balanced representation that appeals to more people in favor of just keeping things to white people.

If, in this country, people of a darker skin color were the majority white people are here in reality, yeah, I think it’d be realistic to call it racist if they wanted to push that majority even further and keep more white people out of such positions. But as it is in reality, currently, white people happen to be the majority, so pushing for more people of the same skin color that’s already the majority just trends more towards pushing out an already small amount of representation minorities get.

You want to be able to believe like you want. And to voice that belief when you want. But you want to stop others from doing the same. Well everyone is aloud to believe how they want. You, nor anyone else has the right to tell them otherwise. Judge them, but do it quietly. And if you do it vocally, then be prepared for retort. Stop acting like dictator fascists running around with a chip on your shoulder and just live your lives, and let everyone else do the same. Stop trying to control other people thoughts, beliefs, and speech. Stop trying to firce people to participation something they don’t like or believe in. You don’t want the same treatment. So just let people be themselves and you do same minus what I mentioned.

What is the difference between those, to you?

That’s a rather ironic thing to say considering the only people in these forums who are trying to silence anyone based solely on their beliefs are the people opposing this change. You know, the ones who are literally calling for the people involved with it to be fired. Yeah, nothing “controlling” about that.

Which one is it? How would you refer to their sibling?

Also words don’t have meaning. Words have usage.

One is organic; an umbrella pronoun interspersed with he and she fluidly. One is about adhering to gender dysphoria. This artificial definition does not allow for the interspersing of he and she like the organic definition. It is not an umbrella pronoun, but a separate category all together. The latter definition is not an organic definition, but a socially engineered nugget of propaganda.

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I guess my issue is that I dont care about skin color. Alot of other people do and alot of those people are minorities. Maybe I am just stuck in the middle of something I don’t understand. I could tell you stories to try to justify how I am personally not concerned with race, but this issue is bigger than me. The world seems to think that all minorities are at a disadavantage because they are miniority, no they are not. It doesnt matter if there are 50 of you or 1 million of you. That doesnt change the quality of the person. Why do all of these numbers need to be equal, what should matter is the quality of the individual not the numbers of a given race.

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I fixed that for you.

Can you provide just one example where one person here is attacking the LGBTQ trans community directly?

I feel like you are trying to stir up trouble that doesn’t need to exist.


Numerous comments in this very thread and other threads saying trans people are mentally ill or they don’t exist.

Bold statement(s), yet you failed to quote just one person…

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I disagree with that sort of thinking, everyone is free to live life how they see fit. I truly believe that.

Both males and female produce testosterone and estrogen, and both males and female have masculine and feminine energies.

There is an insane Marxist/feminist agenda bent on destroying western culture. These people have been messing with kid’s heads and emotions making them think they are something they are not for over 60 years. It’s being taught in school to children. It’s child abuse and it’s a crime against humanity.

Blizzard and all other tech companies are playing along with this because they know the kids today are playing their games, using their platforms and they are their current and future employees fresh out of the Marxist colleges educated by feminists who hate the traditional family and male masculinity. This explosion of identity politics in the heads of kids has one purpose - destroy the west.

I don’t care what consenting adults do behind closed doors, and I don’t care who consenting adults love, just stay away from the kids and stop pushing this agenda onto everyone.


That good enough for you?

If it’s specifically the idea that it’s incorrect for them to specifically identify with that pronoun that’s the issue, well, I’m glad that we’re past the “they is only singular” thing. But that also leaves us with a rather pointless argument, because, as much as you can claim that the concept only exists because of propaganda socially engineered by… god knows who, it doesn’t serve a lot of purpose because ultimately it’s how people use it and it also doesn’t do anyone any good to fight against it. It’s such a small inconsequential difference that, while opening up more freedoms for people to express themselves, doesn’t warrant a whole ton of differentiation.
No one is harmed by the existence of it.

The only actual systemic racism in the modern age is against white people now. Which is why MLK’s wisdom of being judged by our characters alone is now also called hate speech because it neglects the new hatred: racial equity. This is a new system to further the increasing anti-white racism being nurtured by academia. But I digress.


Nope, not specific enough. That poster was not addressing anyone in specific and was being vague. He could be referring to me.

I am against the white racism bro. Yet the companys we work for promote it like its nothing.


It’s sad stuff, but definitely nothing new. Every generation thinks they are on the right track of virtue. Would be great to get into a further depth of the topic, but all that does is result in vacations here. It’s a topic that many are ignorant of because they are sheltered from ever hearing their views challenged on it.

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And I don’t inherently judge you for not caring about race. But there are a lot of people of color out there who aren’t in a position where they can just “not care”, because their skin color still brings them discrimination, both personal and systemic. It’s not specifically because they are the minority that they are at a disadvantage, it’s because racism against these minorities are still a very real thing. Jim Crow laws weren’t eradicated until less than 60 years ago. Many people alive back then are still alive today. A lot are in government positions.
It’s not really a radical thing to acknowledge that there are disadvantages to people of color in the society of the U.S. You are right in that your race doesn’t change your quality of a person, and that’s one reason why people of color deserve to be able to see their heritage represented in important positions. Everyone does, of course, but we white people also already do have that, so the focus is more on upping it for those who are actually lacking it in comparison.