That game seems fun. lets try it again!

guess the city im from, get a ZOD! not the city i currently live in, but where I was born. it had a population of 607,000 in 1975.

You get 2 guesses

EDIT** clues so far

  1. 1975 population was 607k
  2. Outside of the US
    ** 3. Free clue not in the Americas.

May 6th
New clue!
4. City was started as a horse stud farm

boston in massachusetts

tks for the zod ~

thats 1 guess, but not to despair you get another.

New Orleans - Louisiana
Phoenix - Arizona

good answers, how ever i think google did you dirty.

Is it in the US?

How about Rochester?

not rochester.

Is it in the US? thats a clue. i would look outside the US.

Were you born in 1975?

doesn’t help with guessing, just curious

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yes, that is my birth year.


/20 characters

negative, not oslo.

I’ll post up a clue

Stuttgart in Germany ?

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you nailed it friend! add me for a zod rune!

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Ah Man, I checked the population and the history of all german cities which has 550,000-650,000 right now, I checked Stuttgart too. But i didnt realize the Stud farm is in the name of the city… lol… instead, I got information like this on wikipedia : " Originally, the most important location in the Neckar river valley was the hilly rim of the Stuttgart basin at what is today Bad Cannstatt.[27] Thus, the first settlement of Stuttgart was a massive Roman Castra stativa (Cannstatt Castrum)[26] built c. 90 AD to protect the Villas and vineyards blanketing the landscape and the road from Mogontiacum (Mainz) to Augusta Vindelicorum (Augsburg). Cannstatt was a part of the Roman imperial province Germania Superior."… blabla…

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