Terrorized Zones offline!

Pointing out the blatantly obvious here, but in both cases he is arguing in favor of adding /p8

So, he has changed his mind about difficulty. Maybe he came to a realization about how easy of a game this is, or maybe the recent changes that made it a drastically easier game spurred a thirst for higher difficulty. It’s not that hard to empathize with if you aren’t a sociopath and actually try.

But that’s not you, you’re a forum stalker digging through some one’s post history because you are mad that you disagree with them. And you are stretching really hard to try and prove to yourself and anyone who is bored enough to read your ‘contribution’ that you are the ONE WHO IS RIGHT at any cost and for no reward.

Pro /players command argument isn’t even as much about loot/farming/experience as it is about a level playing field for regular players. There are no valid arguments against adding it. There are several work arounds to simulate a /players environment on bnet many of which are P2W. It therefore falls under the developer’s stated design philosophy that it should be added. This highlights their dishonest and hypocritical stance on many aspects of this game.

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