Terrorized Zones disappeared for me

It was working last night. I got on around 10am CEST and didnt see any terrorized zones no matter what difficulty i choose.

Xbox Series X

Fix: Uncheck allow terror zones in game settings.
Save and Exit.
Game settings check allow terror zones.
Create a game

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Dude…I just want to thank you so much; your fix resolved my issue. This issue occurred to me as well - but just a couple of weeks ago, not as far back as Oct. 9. I didn’t think too much of it as I was leveling a new character and wasn’t playing established ones. Figured it was a server-side issue on the Xbox platform as I could get the Terror Zones fine on PC. I had no clue about this setting on Xbox, I didn’t recall having to enable it prior.
I digress - I wish you all the greatest internet points one could bestow. I hope RNGeezus grants you a couple Jah/Ber’s this week. Much love, I sincerely appreciate this…now time to go get some l00t.