Terror Zone Question

Does a TZ increase the number of high level drops, or just the possibility of higher level items? I need a HOZ and have been farming Andy. TZ Andy opens up the possibility of higher level items, could this actually lower the chance of getting a HOZ because the pool of potential drops is larger?

It depends on your level I think. If you are level 81 for example , TZ will span level 83 as it is always 2 levels higher than you are regardless of the zone’s normal/usual level. So in this example, you could not even get level 85 items.

If you are on high level, the answer generally is yes, pretty much anything can drop in the game making Andy’s drop table much larger. She dropped me dweb, stormlash and stuff like that what she normally just could not.

I actually got my HOZ from her in TZ mode, been farming here always but decent drops are only in TZ mode.

In a case of extreme irony, I started some Andy runs right after I posted, and a HOZ dropped.

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I don’t think so. People will usually say this in relation to rings and amulets, but for uniques there is usually only 1 option for item. A Guilded Shield is either going to drop or it isn’t. From there the treasure class and MF affect its ability and chance to roll unique.