Terror Zone Question

Hi, I was thinking about this last night, idk if it has been clarified or if anyone knows but maybe some of you can share your experience.

So I play 2-4 hours a day most days meaning I see 3-5 terror zones a day. Here’s my rough recounting of the terror zones I’ve encountered.

2xForgotten Tower
2xArcane Sanctuary
1xrandom act 3 temples
1xOuter Steppes
1xArreat Plateau
4xGlacial Trail

I may be off or forgetting the exact numbers but that’s basically what I’ve remembered seeing/encountering since the patch.

So my question is this: are terror zones on some sort of a schedule, or are they randomized in some way?

Basically I am asking, does the time one plays make it so they’ll see the same terror zones on some sort of schedule? I’m curious because you can see most of the times I play, which are generally the same times every day, I see the same terror zones (as evidenced by my accounting above). Now, it could just be totally random and those are simply how they occurred on the days and times I logged in to play. But I wanted to ask what everyone else’s experience was and if they know anything about how terror zones function whether they are randomly selected (and if so, how), or if they are on some schedule or rotation.

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I would certainly hope they are at least randomized each time they run through the list of them, or randomized with a rule where it will never pick the same one within 3 to 5 occurrences.

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Don’t worry , in a one week the BOTS will decipher the order of TZ

I once visited terrorized temple in act 3 and it was totally empty, not a single monster. :joy:

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Lol, when I saw those temples I was like, nope. Though that’s also the case for a lot of the zones, I think.

Honestly I think they’d be better served by having 4 terror zones per hour, rather than 1. I mean, 4 terror zones active at the same time. Just to really add that variety they seemed to want to add/encourage. As it is, I haven’t even seen most of my favorites zones/areas terrorized yet. They probably activate when I’m asleep :frowning:

That’s why I’m asking my question about how the terror zones are chosen or if there’s some schedule or method to the madness.