Keep crying and git gud. Make some online friends while you’re at it, because you sound like a sour loser with no friends.
Why does it matter who gets first in ladder? if it was someone else people would just moan and complain that they shouldn’t have won for this reason and that.Who cares dude, how does it effect you in anyway who gets first? The only way this effect you is you not getting number 1.
thats an interesting idea.If people are mad about it they could make a solo ladder player only option.Of course if someone wins they will be blamed for cheating…look how many people are upset about someone getting first in ladder already lol
no one care salty. 20 characters
hmm. Do u have sources that they (
teams) was/are cheating? Show them. If not, u have to accept that they have a rly good knowledge about d2 and they got it to the endlvl.
Remember, the game is 20 years old. And some of us are still playing it. What do u expect?
That some groups find legit ways to optimize their killspeed?
Try to act like them and get ur infinity in the first 24 hours.
Or try to get it in a week. U won’t get it without very very much luck … or … with a good strategy.
Till u proof that they used non-legit methods, i will respect them to crack the game (use the methods the game offers us - legit).
And no, i’m not a speed runner or involved into
or other groups.
Just a old fellow d2 fan. Who is still searching & relaxing for his tals armor and enigma-runes in ladder.
Better more fun and longer time to get the end-game stuff as to work like speed-runners with less fun but higher efficiency.
And to be honest, the streamers are not solo players. They have build up and introduce many players together. like the clone-hunters.
i respect them. like they deserved!
Good job. And i’m happy u got the king out of his throne. #1
it’s funny you think two people sharing the same account is an issue. Account sharing was one of many methods people used to race the ladder back in the day.
Part of the strategy involves having a crew of people rushing chars through hell forge. One guy can multibox 7 chars on classic into hell and then transfer them to expansion. You can quickly get HR’s through that.
I personally don’t care, but it is technically against the ToS.
a crew of 100+? lolll or 1000+?
Has been the same for 20 years. That’s one of the reasons D2 remained popular even now
You don’t even get anything for being first. What’s the big deal?
It is not a popularity contest. The most popular streamer wasn’t the 1st to finish, was it?
It is forming a dedicated team, having the right team strategy and summoning the huge amount of stamina required to go the distance.
It doesn’t matter if they are a streamer or a non-streaming group. #2 in HC ladder is not a streamer; very close to another (not very popular) streamer who were both fairly ahead of #3 in HC ladder (popular streamer).
Nothing ruined/changed by streamers. This is the same as before streaming became popular.
If someone is a no-lifer and choose to dedicate their time to the game, they DO deserve to fare better than individuals who spend less time (like me)
People who can form efficient teams and syncronize their efforts DO deserve to fare better than players who don’t group up that often (like me)
No fix needed here.
I think you should go play d3
Kappa. Just joking.