Oohh, good retort, typical millennial with zero ability to think for themselves.
between jsp and strummers having free slave-labor…
ladder was never going to be great.
couldve seen it coming
Everyone wants to be a winner, no one wants to be a loser.
Coming in at 99 first involves a large group of people working to accomplish the goal. The smaller the group, the less sleep everyone gets.
Think about it for a minute, it’s not worth getting 99 first. I don’t think it’s worth getting to 99 AT ALL. Do like I do, take the participation ribbon and don’t worry about it.
I’m not on anyone’s side and I don’t watch streamers, but all of you guys complaining about these guys abusing mechanics to the max on a competitive ladder just sounds sour grapes to me.
You guys are simply jealous that you don’t have the mix of a team, game knowledge and time it takes to do this. Hell I wish I did.
Unless two people were sharing the same account, then I don’t see the problem. Maybe they could add a solo ladder but I don’t care.
And even if they had a solo ladder these same guys would complain that the only people that can compete are no lifes who play 18 hours a day and how they can’t compete because they work 50 hours a week and have 3 kids to feed blah blah blah.
It’s things like this why D2R needs modernized server alternatives. Keep the original game as is, and have a D2R version of it going (until it becomes a complete ghost town which will happen very soon after the modernization server). But modernize a server and adjust the game to make sense with how communication has advanced over the years.
The way things are, this is essentially like win trading. It’s an abuse of mechanics. But I don’t blame the players. They’re simply min/maxing. If they don’t do it, someone else will, thus will beat them.
The fault is on the game. Let’s get some loot filters, ploot options, massive meta balance adjustments. Let’s give the game a future with consistent content implementations each ladder. And let’s fix stuff like what OP is talking about. If that means getting rid of rushes, then so be it. Not everything on a modernized server will be an improvement. Some things will be necessary evil.
At least it’s an actual person “winning” the ladder and not bots like the last ones. But I don’t really care about that and will just keep playing like I always do.
Dude. Guys buying enigma and infinity on jsp aren’t in the top 10 or even the top 1000 likely. They are all the crappers sitting in the 10,000s.
With FoH, they were able to clear 8 man CS virtually naked from day 1. They have conviction built into it so no need for infinity. Enigma would only marginally help with skipping the river of flame.
I’m top 1000 on the hc ladder with my 89 druid and the 13th amazon on classic hardcore. I mostly play solo as well. I think the hardcore communities are a bit more honest. Fewer bots and fewer streamer teams. I definitely think some people are using pickit in pub games though.
I can at least rejoice in knowing that Mr Lame O Small Ck… got SMOKED in the race to 99. He didn’t get beat he got obliterated. Don’t know who Teo is. Probably for the best.
Hes even using the same strategy as Teo and couldnt win
He doesn’t care at all about this race. He has a larger fanbase so he earns way more money than Teo even if he lost the race.
I have no clue who Teo is, I just love how you think this isn’t good for the game.
Dwindling player base because game doesn’t incentivize playing in groups? Nah, its fine.
Dwindling player base because the game requires too much time investment and luck to get drops? Nah, its fine.
Like I said, only a dozen people play this game.
He started doing it differently as soon as it became apparent he had no chance, so that way he could say he meant to do it in a non minmax way lol. I mean, look, I think he’s a good guy, but that was pretty funny.
none of these arguements make sense to me, the guy played ladder as intended…why would people want everyone to play ssf? thats silly to even consider…can you imagine having to solo everything…all the way to 99? how boring, I’d probably call it quits at lvl 20 and go back to NL to play with other people. Idk how I would feel about an SSF ladder, people are upset about being limited to 20 chars, and an SSF char cant join normal ladder or nl games(locked at being solo in the solo ladder)…seems hectic to me and much easier for all these folks to just combine and compete next ladder as a team…
It literally solves none of the issue because the no lifer that can play 20 hours per day will still “win,”
There is no possible way to level the playing field.
Ok, sure but …
You and everyone else complaining just sound salty about streamers for no reason.
I can assure you, with or without streamers, you’d still be losing. Badly.
Again different kind of boredom for different people.
I do agree he intended to play the way it’s designed. Just one thing though… why the congratulations about the game everyone should say congratulations on team building.
These top ladder people in their stream even act glorified like as though they achieved a feat but instead its more of a carry and fantastic coordination.
Yes they can. There’s already HC SC classic SC and classic HC modes. All they got to do is add another SSF.
These other modes are already in the normal ladder with there own ladder rankings. Im all for this being added. U just wont get to trade or join a group. Could also add in a solo mode so then those that want to trade still can just cannot join others.
Solo/ssf. Would still be in the normal ladder season as are the others already in game.
Whats the difference from playing ladder. U still cannot go to NL with ladder characters. Ur also locked in even in HC or classic ladder.