Tancred's Battlegear is GARBAGE

True enough. I’m actually fine with set’s being a bit meh tbh. D3 taught me to hate sets. :stuck_out_tongue:

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They don’t need to be OP as Hell like in D3, just more viable options. And mainly low lvl sets could get some love. Elite sets just need minor tweaks.

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It really depends. I just don’t think it’s really worth the effort for the low level sets.

  1. You’ll never have the full set for leveling first characters.
  2. Second characters tend to get rushed.

I personally just see all lowbie gear as a single use and toss sort of deal, other than a couple like sigs.

If they just change some attribute and lvl requierments, maybe tune some stat values, and now they are more desireable. You can use/hold on to them a bit longer, if you need to.
Yeah I like to actually play the game and not get rushed. For me, leveling up and building the character, is the best part of the game.

Well then we run into the other issue…

What set bonus on a lowbie set is going to outdo a leaf staff + stealth? Or a Spirit Sword. Or a Black for boss killing. Or ancients pledge for resists, or a White for necro, or Harmory for Zon.

Most sets would only be moderately useful for what level 12-39 on the extreme end? I do that in a few hours.

Not to mention there is almost always some unique that you REALLY want to use that kills the full set.

That would be the whole point of an itemization patch. Shure some low RW can carry you to Hell and extremely easy to find and assemble, BUT! Aren’t there some other slots that, can’t be filled whit RW? Like boots, belts, gloves, rings and ammys? And if you don’t care about speed running/lvling, anything goes. :smiley:

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True. I guess if the bonuses were more spread out they’d be sooooo much more useful as well. The issue is full sets… are honestly just not a great idea for RPGs imho. If more of the bonuses were tied to being 2-3 peices… then they’d be a lot more useful. Like Angelic for example. I’m just not giving up a chest/weapon slot for anything less than a full tal set… or arguable IK on a budget barb.

Hell even Grim Dawn made sets way better than any Blizzard game. Grim Dawn sets were amazing and gameplay changing… without being broken.

Too bad the Grim Dawn was such a slog before you beat it for the first time… the earlier difficulties turned so many people away. It really was a great ARG.

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Yes partial set bonuses should get more volume, so you can mix and mach them, to make up for ones deficiency.

this really. the teleport isn’t why i like enigma. i’ve never understood why the teleport is the only thing people cry about. it’s convenient, sure, but it’s the least of the perks for it

Yup. There are different ways to MF… and not all of them need teleport. I mean frankly Chaos runs are just as profitable if you walk simply because river of flame is level 85 as well and something like fort can actually be very comparable. But at the end of the day enigma has a crap ton of MF and MF is pretty much king for well… MF’ing.

If Enigma didn’t have all that MF on it… I’d use Fort/Chains of Honor/Bramble/Vipermagi/Ormus/Skuldur’s/Wealth far more often.

I mean if I’m going to farm Arachnids Lair do I need tp? No. Am I going to swap Enigma to a Skuldur’s for it? No. Would I if it didn’t have MF on it? Absolutely. Same for Pindle, Same for Chaos, And Frankly I’d probably use Wealth for Trav more.

If you play a build that is not gear dependent then the massive boost to magic find is awesome. 2 pieces give you 78% then complete set gives you 75% gold find. Throw a few ptopaz in the helm, chest, and weapon, and you are off to the races with NM Trav farming.