Talent synergies must be reduced

You haven’t explained why spamming 1 skill over and over with an infinity in the background makes the game harder or more skillful - if anything spamming 1 skill like a robot isn’t hard, it sounds like you’re afraid of using more than 1 skill.

Why do you think the game is easier if you switch beween different skills instead of just spamming 1 skill on everything? Diablo II before the expansion had more skill divesity and was more skillful than the one button characters the expansion brought us

Yes, I’ve been playing off-and-on since 2000, and before that played D1.
Nobody is stuck putting all their points into 1 skill (and it’s synergies), some people do that tho… and then complain about dual immunities

I run
20 telekenisis 5 energy shield
20 frozen orb 10 cold mastery
20 hydra 10 fire mastery
1skills- warmth, fire bolt, fireball, enchant.
Static, charged bolt, lightning, ice bolt, frost Nova, glacial spike, blizzard
96 points

96 - 12 for level 84.

Everything after that is more damage or more ES.

Fully capable of clearing all content with no issues, aside from Ubers.

So I don’t even use synergies to pump up my orb or hydra and it’s fine.

If anything having more synergies would be better. The reason being is you could spec into any ability and it will always have a synergy.

If telekenisis synergized with all lightning skills I could have a max ES that synergizes with my lightning damage.

If frozen armor synergized with more things like say frozen orb.
Instead of putting points into ice bolt for frozen orb I could put it into frozen armor.

I actually use frozen armor, no one uses ice bolt

Read the context is all I can tell you.

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I dont want to play WOW i want to play Diablo hence its 1 spam skill game :slight_smile:

This is what should happen to synergy system

Nah, to hell with all of your ideas. Wanna truly fix it???

Roll it all back to pre-1.10.


Looks there are a lot of ways that you can make D2 a better game.

Here is the thing. You have to be a damn idiot if you want to makers of Diablo Immortal touching the game any more than they have to. The current Blizzard couldn’t balance a seesaw let alone a game.

All they know how to do is 1) Make content easier. 2) Add cash shops. 3) Pay other people to remaster old games made by past employees that didn’t suck. That’s all the company has done for a decade now.

Just remember every time you guys ask for a change, and they screw up something new… It’s your fault.

Could D2R be better? Definitely. Could I personally do a better job of balancing it while taking a dump? 100%. Can the clowns at Acti-blizzard get it right? Hell no.

People want to label people people “purists” when the reality is even the purists know there are things wrong with D2’s forumla. The thing is we just are bale to identify that Blizzard will just screw it up, so we don’t want them laying their incompetent hands on anything. You do realize we are talking about the same company that can’t even get the chat working right? Or the lobby. Things that game companies have managed to do just fine since the dawn of the internet.

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