Tal Rasha's Adjudication

I think it dropped in normal Mephisto, how is this even possible?

Rushing toons through normal mode only, haven’t been killing anything on other difficulties at all.

There are no exceptional or elite versions of amulets.
So all that matters here is Tal’s amulet item level which is 26 amd that’s something normal Mephisto can drop.

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You are correct, I didn’t take the time to research that, but now I did. Apparently with my 473 magic find, it has a drop rate between 1:3139 quest to 1:4549. Which isn’t to high of odds really. I wonder if that is the best item to drop from Normal Mephisto. I suspect someone would argue perfect chancies or something would contend to be better. I find it kinda nuts. But it all checks out.

I find this very interesting & I actually believe you.

This was MANY years ago, I & my friend was playing Diablo 2 LOD v1.09d IP connection.

We both began with new characters. He took the Necromancer & I took the Sorc.
After couple of hours of play, we were to confront Duriel & we did manage to kill him. My friend picked up the green amulet that was dropped from Duriel & when he showed me. I was surprised.
Tals amulet?..on normal?..how is that even possible?
I was kind of shocked & glad, cause I only needed the orb, belt, mask and armor.

However, I have never found high level uniq amulets such as “Highlords” on normal.

Maybe the bug has followed all the way to Diablo 2 Resurrected.

I am very curious if someone else has managed to find Tals amulet in Diablo 2 Resurrected on normal level on closed battle.net.