Sunder charms already bugged, 10 found by llama

Love it. Good karma against the purists.

For me the remedy is leave it as it is and let ladder end in 1 month. That way its crap but noone loses more than anyone else. Ladder sprints woukd be an interesting thing.

They should remove all sunder charms from the server and then re-enable them. That’s 100% the correct thing to do in this situation.

Agreed, ladder starts are extremely interesting and 4 - 6 months is too long. It should be 1-3 months. I’m having fun just watching people play.


All charms should be deleted and never brought back.
What they really sundered are core game mechanics and the community/player base


Dunno that that’s the answer either, it’s a bit of a kick in the teeth to all the people who put in hours today.

Blizzard banned world of warcraft players, PERMANENTLY in some cases, for farming a world boss over and over who dropped weekly loot OVER AND OVER when it wasn’t supposed to. No known mechanic was bugged, and they simply just kept killing the mob, legitimately. Most received 60 day suspensions, but there were a few who received permanent bans for it. The reason for their bans / suspension given by blizzard were that the players “KNEW this was wrong, and kept doing it anyways to gain an advantage”

This is the SAME EXACT OFFENSE. They KNOW it’s wrong and they’re doing it anyways.

Period, full stop. There is no justification for this. If they punish this differently, I’m charging back everything, because it means they only punish people when it’s not their affiliates.


ladder = guinea pigs
non ladder = the real deal


According to the ToS, exploiting unintended mechanics is a bannable offense. It’s absolute nonsense IMO, but this is a pretty clear cut case of exploiting. Still, I highly doubt Blizz is gonna ban one of their biggest influencers for it. Might be a different case if it was someone else, who knows.


Sunder charms? More like blunder charms amirite.


Either they suspend everyone involved or this season is over already. There’s already possibly close to 1,000 of these. A single streamer has more than 40 of them.

Ever heard of “two wrongs does not make a right?”.

Just because Blizzard acted wrong before (and if what you describe is 100% factual then I consider it wrong), doesn’t make any future decisions like that justified.

Injustice happened before, repeating it or treating it like some kind of judicial precedent makes for a poor intellectual judgment.

Also - Llama did not come up with it. Hell, there is YT video showing how to do it and it’s not him.

Plenty of people came up with it because guess what, horking with a barb is a natural thing to do and Blizzard never specified the intended drop rates.

Llama plays a sorc this ladder so it’s not even him horking.

Go ahead, charge back.

The devs already specified this is NOT INTENDED

Gj purists keep nerfing hidin i love it!!!

Get it wrong and it being entirely your own fault, and then banning everyone else for it.

Perfect ending to this day.

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I will not play this game again until they go all in in some specific direction:

  1. either just remove immunities and make the game challenging in a different ways (and buff underpowered skills)
  2. remove sunder charms and add more immunities (and buff underpowered skills)

Now the game is too easy and appealing to nobody it seems xD Everyone just blaming everyone else and it’s the Bliz who messed up this

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another of these monkies saying its the purists fault. it doesnt make sense, “purists” dont want a sunder charm, they want the d2 how the know and love it, PRESERVED NOT SUNDERED.
You better learned your lesson asking for sht.

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i told you 2 week ago drop this game in the recycle bin , you will wasting your time

but yea who im , im not a streamer and also not a :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: . charm or not this seasson dont have much too offer , you will be boring after a few day

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The developers already stated it’s bugged on twitter. find item is guaranteeing their drop on specific mobs.
There’s already thousands of them.

I dont give a fk donkey i have jieguan ziphei i having fun u waisting youre time xddddd

Simple solution… patch it, end the ladder qnd let everyones characters roll over to non-ladder, start ladder 2.5 for patch 2.5…

The the handful of non-ladder players left fight over the first of the sunder charms there.

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