Summon druid buff suggestions

Hello everyone I’m new to posting here but I was told blizzard reads our feedback on the forums. I simply thought I’d lay out my suggestions to completely buff/overhaul the summoning tree.

The suggestions focus on the 3 main summons and the vines . I thought I would ask everyone here what they thought and start a conversation about it so here it goes !

ps: If this wasnt the right place to post please let me know.


 Spirit wolves :

 Immunity to curses.

This passive activates after investing 60 hard points into the summoning tree.

 Dire wolves

 Cannot be frozen

 Maxed resistances( no immunities)

 Chance of open wounds on strike

These passives activate after investing 60 hard points into the summoning tree.

 Kodiak Guardianship ( applies to both grizzly and werebear) :

 Cannot be stunned

 Attacks cannot be interrupted

 15% Chance the enemy stuns himself when striking you

 15% chance damage received given back to striking enemy

 Kodiak’s Wrath :
When struck too many times at once or in a very short period of time the bear and druid in werebear form lash out sending out a roar and cleaving attack in a 180 degree arc . The attack pushes back and stuns enemies facing them and those behind those enemies. The stun only last a short period of time. The attack is also a crushing blow. This ability helps the druid and his grizzly when getting overwhelmed and repeatedly struck from all sides.

This passive activates after either investing 60 hard points into the summoning tree or 60 points into werbear, grizzly and lycanthropy.

 Nature unleashed :

After 70 hard points into the summoning tree, all wolves and the bear can be summoned at the same time. All cooldowns on druid elemental skills pre 2.4 patch apply.

 Poison creeper :

 Poison vine`s damage stacks with rabies.

 Poison Vine`s special toxin has a chance to confuse the enemy causing it to attack its allies.

 Carrion Vine :

 Infestation ability :

The vine takes control of an enemy who fights for the druid. The infested enemy has more life than normal. Any damage dealt to the infested enemy simultaneously heals the druid for the same amount. The druid slowly regenerates life while the infested monster is alive. If the monster is killed the vine slithers away in search of another monster to infest. The vine can only be killed while outside of a monster or during the infestation process.

 Solar Creeper :

 Corruption :
The vine enters an enemy and lays eggs then moves on to another enemy ( up to 4 enemies at the same time.)
Every enemy corrupted has his mana leeched and sent to the druid. Melee enemies have increased chances of missing attacks due to corruption. Ranged attackers have more mana leeched reducing the rate at which they launch attacks or use other magic abilities.

I wanted to add that, the hard point limitations I put in were a way to prevent hybrid builds where a druid could be strong in elemental or shapeshifting and take advantage of the summoning buffs with skillers. It seemed important to me that these buffs be limited to committed summoners willing to accept a tradeoff in the other trees in exchange for a strong summoning build.

I’m not a diablo 2 expert and there are many things I may not have considered…rune words off the top of my head might make these suggestions too strong but quite frankly I don’t think so. Since patch 2.4 the summoner has become a bit more viable yes, but he remains weak and slow going compared to many other characters and builds and a majority of popular and respected content creators for diablo have said as much.

I want this tree to be more than just playable. I want it to be strong. Like many of you I’m tired of the same cold or lightning sorcs or hammerdin builds running around and having all the fun. Now to be clear I don’t need my summon druid to be as powerful as them. I just need him to be powerful and feel like it.

To be clear I love playing the summoner druid right now, I had one back in the day and when resurrected came out he’s the first build I made, but it’s just frustrating at times when I see all the untapped potential this tree has.

Hope to hear from everyone ! I also hope the critics remain respectful and positive. Again if this was the wrong place to post this or if it was too long apologies in advance and I will gladly move this post somewhere else.


What? AHhahahahahaha yeah only if your name is MrLlamma, only then blizz hear your feedback. LOL

You never know :grin: they just might take the time and read

Neat ideas. Would love to have a viable summoner druid one way or another.

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Apparently a developper on reddit implied they were re-working the summoning tree!.

I really hope they allow all main pets at once!

All I just wanted to have is a pure summon build druid. Something like what a Necro can do. Summon numerous ones at the same time without problems. Man if the necro can do so why cant Druid?

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I really hope they don’t incorporate ravens as a primary skill for summoning… 60 points + 20 for a spirit is already too much of an investment for a crap build.

There really needs to be synergies with the shapeshifting tree. Have werewolf synergize with wolf summons and werebear with grizzly… Kind of similar to poison creeper and rabies except executed better :rofl:

More in depth post:


Synergies with lycan forms could be interesting but I wouldn’t be interested in it.

Summoner druids want buffs to the tree in order to be strong in hell as summoners. If I have to invest in another tree and fight alongside my summons it’s a hybrid build not a summon build which has nothing to do with what many like me are asking.

The Idea about synergies with werewolf or werebear forms could be interesting and would add greater diversity to the game but it’s not what summoner druids want.

We just want the tree to stand on it’s own and the potential for that to happen is obviously there.
The most obvious (and dare I say fun ) path is to allow the druid to summon all main pets at the same time.

These are interesting suggestions…

I like that you are trying to figure out ways to make each of the summons more unique and interesting…

Half the forum keeps saying they want to summon all the wolves and bears at once, (copy-paste of PD2 / PoD). I think this is boring, I would rather see the summons have more unique and individual abilities and give players a REAL reason to choose which summons they decide to focus on, or think about what animals they will summon when they encounter certain monsters/bosses.

You ideas are unique and interesting, I like them :slight_smile: :+1:

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Even though I want to see wolves getting some identity for example we already have spirit Wolves doing cold damage and to have dire wolves with open wounds and Bear with crushing blow.
But that won’t change how slow Summoner druid it is to clear areas and not be able to progress on hell without the need of super expensive gear.

Multi summoning all the summons is the only way to make summoner druid viable for hell and to give him a better clearing speed. Is one way road.

Plus there are differences with pd2. The ravens are 20 doing cold and physical damage and spirit wolves dire wolves and bear doing physical damage.

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They listened ! Blizzard listened ! muhahahahah summoner Druid is on the way !

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