Suggestions to Improve Some Sets

I won’t comment on everything but I’ll just say that any changes made to Sets available on Classic(Ex: Sigon’s), must take that into account. I do have a 2.5 Class Set overhaul topic(which you can preview here: 2.5 Class Set overhaul. Sackett linked it for M’avina but like him I did all 7 Elite Class Sets. They all need to be updated but some more than others(Aldur + M’avina being the most glaring). I will say that the Elite Sets do not need Staff Mods because I’ve felt that Class Sets should be “generic” or don’t encourage utilization of one skill over another. Obviously with M’avina and IK, the Weapon limits what skills you can use(M’avina is a Bowzon Set while IK means no Frenzy/Double Throw). Yet despite that, I’ve updated both sets such that they could be viable in a Partial Set format.