Suggestion,Feedback & wishes for the Future

Greetings Community & Blizzard.

After many Years playing and enjoying i have a little wishes or suggestion about the future.maybe another players wanna give too a Feedback here.
let me Start…

I must say after the last year diablo 2 resurrected makes not so much fun like from the start.Why? its easy the influzening way to promote cheating & hacking like Multi Accounts and Botting. Let the normal players goes crazy and most are forced to do the same.
I really mad about the being to force that the regular players are forced to make get with the hype to against ToS is cool.
The Game is really reachable for all kinda players 30 euro for a game you only pay once is in the Sentry this Age not much Reachable.Thanks for that.

My Wishes about the Future about Diablo 2:
A really big dream would be online mode to raise the Terror Zones Count to 99 that even Solo players can get to the End without investing litually Years.
Online is a huge Feature with Trading and PvP.
We all now that the most of community cant play together because lost of Drops because johannes is faster with clicking the Zod run. Or Quinn rushes alone tho the map with teleport and killing everything till bobs arrvied and goes empty.That all Kinda Things make Mulitplayer not so much Enjoyable.
My Wishes are:
Raise the Terror Zone till 99
Personal Loot
and more Shared Xp Range than just 1 screen away.
Crafting system like diablo 3 with ressources to collect to craft a Great Rare items.
A System to Reset the Game without Recreate the Game itself. for example a full baalrun could recreate a simply game over and over again if all players agree the Reset itself.
A Kicking system from the game & a blacklist that people from the Ignore list cant join anymore the Game that someone creating. Only Character can be ignored and not the whole account.
A Tooltip that shows a Details view about on the ground laying items as preview.

Thanks for Reading
& Good luck.