Suggestion : Skins

So this is not an important suggestion but something that i think is nice to have.
what if, we have SKINS in the game like in other games.
allowing us to change the way we look based on other items that we want.

i don’t mean super unnecessary godlike looking skins
i just mean that skins based on other items already in the game.

for example, i want to look like im wielding an Ancient armor even though im wearing a 4 socket Dusk Shroud.

its just for aesthetics thats all, not really needed but nice to have only if its doable.


This has been suggested many times before. If selling skins can get some support for this game, then I’m for it, however my only requirement would be that I have the ability to turn them off on my end.


Still millions times better suggestion than p8 online victims

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They should probably implement actually good ideas for the community like /players for solo online before doing something like skins


Players X online(solo or otherwise) is not coming so get it through your thick skull folks. As for skins, while I don’t see anything wrong with the idea, it can have an effect on PvP where people think you have Armor X when in reality you have Armor Y. Like for example, say they were to add Cannot Be Cursed to Tyreal’s Might(a rare as hell Elite Sacred Armor). Tyreal’s has a distinct Blue color but if you were to have a unique skin that masks it, then that would be giving you an edge in PvP that otherwise you wouldn’t be able to hide. I would include “Dyes” that they have in Diablo 3 with this since color is one way we distinguish items. Funny enough, some people pay for rare red, green or other color armor if they have decent attributes just for the aesthetic look. Same deal with Helms(notably Druid Pelts but also Barb Helms too).

Anyways, Tyreal’s is just one and only one instance I could think of where it would matter and that’s IF Tyreal’s got updated with such an attribute that it presently does not have. Aesthetically speaking though, I don’t see a problem with character skins but I fire back at the OP with the following: What’s stopping you from wearing Medium/Heavy Armor? Just because it has way higher Strength requirements than Light Armor isn’t an excuse in my book.

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I would only support this if it was like you said, you can only use items in the game. I would never be able to look at D2 again if we had wings… or some other BS like that.

I would not mind taking the green leviathan skin and applying it to COH or something. That would be pretty cool to make your characters look like they are in OG D2 classic again.


Just leaving this here

No, leave this game and its integrity alone.

Let the great game with lots of potential die for the sake of some weirdos nostalgia


Classic d2 still hasn’t died so neither will d2r. Go move to a modding forum permanently. Take your friends claymore12, ArchSeaWitch, Bravata, PlasticSea, etc with you.