Suggestion for +1 frenzy skill on Breath Of the Dying

so I made a suggestion long ago regarding two handed weapon, and it has been disregarded.
I would like to see Breath Of the Dying to have +1 to frenzy skill so it gives a chance for WW barbs to use that skill if needed.
For me I use two handed weapon with two hand and not dual wielded. For Ubers, it would be much more convenient in terms of survival if I can frenzy with Last Wish and Ebotd together. I did kill Uber Mephisto with my ww barb but it was near death experience. Even with frenzy skill, grief users will stay with their grief, two handed weapon’s popularity is low and I am one of very few users who actually use it. Thanks if you are considering this idea.

Another suggestion would be to make +20 poison nova into +40 on the botd as it is useless beside looking cool. +20 will not harm any monsters beside weaklings in Act1 when doing solo. Even if it becomes +40, proc is random so it’s not going to make the weapon too powerful anyhow, but, it’s value can def go up. Again grief users will stay with griefs :slight_smile:

Neat idea and I’m in favor of anything that improves 2H as they got a bit of the shaft in D2R WW IAS changes. That said, I’m not sure +1 Frenzy makes sense. Even with ~+10 skills, that’s only lvl 11 Frenzy with no synergies. I’m not sure you’d really have the AR or damage to do much in an Uber’s situation, but maybe.

It would be cool as a Skill points free way to “charge up” Frenzy for better WW IAS BPs, but that just seems too much of a pain to me to do every 6 seconds (depending on Increased Stamina synergy use), and again if you don’t have the rest of the Frenzy tree fleshed out, you may spend a lot of time missing while you try to build stacks, which could be used to just WW more.

It probably doesn’t solve what you’re trying to do, but I’d almost rather they add some amount of skill IAS to Increased Speed passive.

Back to your Uber’s experience, were you running LW and eBotD in WW when you tried? Was the issue was WW not proccing Life Tap making you too squishy? My Frenzy barb uses Grief and Lawbringer for them, and I swap the Arreats I usually run for Gface to get more CB, and I usually pre-buff with Treachery but then wear Fort. I also have a Life Tap wand on swap, so I use 2x echoing weapons to buff my cries, then swap one for LT and have that hotkey’d and on RMB. If I need LT I just swap to it and cast it, and I’ll often start the engagement with a Life Tap cast. With my barb I find that I’m usually okay with LT being over-written by Decrepify as I don’t always need much LT but the extra damage from Decrep is always nice.

I have yet to try Ubers on my WW barb, but I’m tempted to. He uses eDeath CS and eBotD CB and his A5 Merc uses LW and Hustle. He takes down DClone pretty easily, but I know Ubers is a whole different story. I’m thinking about trying him sometime, with the LT wand on swap and prebuffing with Treachery.

Keep in mind WW doesn’t proc ctc or on hit effects so this might help a Frenzy build or your occasional Zerk or Conc, it’s not going to change anything for WW. Understood you probably meant it more as a general change. It’s a neat idea to make that stat of BotD actually useful, but I would rather they improve base weapon damage so things like Death, LW, and BotD would improve more than Grief’s flat damage, and improve value and utility that way.

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I want +1 frenzy point so LW can proc, that’s the only reason. Do I have LW? Not yet, but planning on making one.
I killed Uber Mephy with only Ebotd, but this is 413%, near perfect, although that really shouldn’t matter compared to 390%ish but certainly better than lower damage ones. Did I use wand for LT? yes, but, the effect ran out and I didn’t have chance to use for second one, I simply killed him with PK style. It didn’t take too long to be honest, I think Uber D or B got more health points and took longer to kill them but they were much easier to handle. I also got 70% stash with dmg/ar/life scs so that helped.
My barb is level 95, full resistance, high defence, hardly ever dies, but the Mephy was only giving hard time due to lightening resistance. But next time it should be easy as now I have wisp and thundergods for preparation, also Treachery prior to fighting.
If BOTD provides 1 to frenzy point, i wouldn’t even have to prepare, nor need a wand, simply frenzy to proc, then use dual wield WW to kill him.
I know ww does not proc but occasionally it does. When I proc poison nova, that’s when I use berserker for physically immunes, or sometimes I use it randomly when I want to kill mob with one hit for fun. Higher damage of BoTD certainly sounds nice, it’s actually what I want too. Grief is too strong.
. Keep in mind IAS Breakpoint is at the lowest with gears such as highlord, 20ias glove, etc unless I use Ogre glove but im sure it is still at the lowest because I use belt that gives 10IAS. My grief barb uses enigma so he runs fast and ww fast with PB/Azurewrath combo. My eBotd barb walk/run with Fortitutde, it’s exactly how I designed him that way and there’s no mistake, but with purpose. But sure, higher damage of botd does sound nice, if not, increase that poison nova level and im sure it would still be uselss in Hell lol. so if it doesn’t make the weapon overlly powerful, I see no reason Blizzard won’t do it. Second thought? the game is old. Will Blizzard listen that remains uber questionable.

Just level higher and put a point in it.

no thnx
i rather save point for mastery skills

I like cake and eating it too.

(post deleted by author)

1 to battle orders on call to arms. You’re welcome.

Suggestion for +1 frenzy skill on Breath Of the Dying - #8 by VILEINFECTED-1831

that’s war cry.
there’s no combat skill for barb. some weapon even got a frozen orb which is the highest level of skill. u dont see wep with highest barb combat skill.
If Blizzard don’t add frenzy , then at least increase the damage of BOTD like others suggested. It would be fun to have some eBotd Barbs among grief barbs, grief paladin and druids.

Fury has plus 5 to frenzy. You can get plus 10 if you wear 2. Jah Gul Eth.

idc man i want it on Botd. else 40 lvl poison nova or damage increase.