Suggested Necromancer Changes (All Builds)

Hey Skulm,

Very nice ideas there; you might look at mine, as there are shared areas and concepts.

  1. Teleport dependency

Well, the idea to change Attract seems bad, I like it as it is. About ‘Warp’, hmm that doesn’t sound something necromancer-like…you might check my proposal for ‘Focus’ curse.
Another runeword giving teleport sounds nice though.

  1. Revives improvement

I fully agree with you mate, I’d add removal of prerequisite to Iron Golem for Revive to save skill points.
Although for just farming acts I’ve found that reviving monsters with some abilities, like Stygian Witches, vampires, gloams, frenzy minotaurs is good enough; however I’ve never attempted to do Diablo Clone or ubers.

  1. Golem reliability issues

I’ve proposed to improve Golem Mastery so it’ll allow to summon additional golem each 10th level reached; golems might be the same or different types.
However, as I think about them now golems in general should acquire another improvements in addition to what I’ve mentioned:

  • damage buff.
  • always hit so they don’t rely on attack rating.
  1. Skeletal mages

I’ve proposed something very similar, with level the mages will get stronger spells (see my suggestion for details), however the idea of replacing them with archers also sounds really nice.

  1. Poisonmancer improvement

I’ve proposed to remove Poison Explosion, which is mechanically just worse Corpse Explosion, and replace it with a passive buff <whatever name, draft is Vile Alchemy> which adds flat x-y poison damage to spells and maybe minions as well. I’ve also proposed to buff Lower Resist to provide similar resistance lowering as Conviction offers. And my last idea, designed for anti-boss scenarios, was to allow Poison Nova to stack its damage once per 10 levels, so lv10 PN could stack twice, lv20 triple and so on.
I’d like to leave Poison Dagger, but as suggested change it to Poison Attack to enable some kind of fun melee/bow/crossbow necromancer builds.

  1. Bonemancer improvement

I had very similar idea that a curse which lowers magic resistance is needed, however I’ve proposed to alter Amplify Damage so it lowers physical and magical damage by 100% (usual rate at breaking immunities). Besides, my Vile Alchemy passive would also help with improving damage for bone spells, moreover it’d provide a way to deal with health regeneration. And my last improvement for bonemancer would be to allow Teeth to shotgun the same target.

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