Strongest trav hork build?

some questions:

  • does the added damage from one grief stack with a dual grief that you can see on your character info screen (scared of buyer’s remorse if it doesn’t)?
  • what prevents berzerk or other skills from missing on the superunique council members?
  • does the -% target defense work against superuniques (ignore target defense doesn’t according to some)?
  • is the attack rating from dexterity to equip phase blade griefs good enough to not miss?
  • do you need conviction aura and blessed aim to hit 100% of the time against superuniques?
  • is ww better than berzerk in overall kill speed? what other abilities can potentially do more than berzerk?
  • can you clear faster with more run speed and tele vs tons of dmg from fortitude?
  • best dual weps?
  • is the clear speed of mf gear speed close to dps gear?
  • do combat mechanics like crushing blow and deadly strike work off of berzerk’s final magic damage or only your physical?
  • is the singer build with the extra item find from war cry gcs good enough to compensate for its really low dmg?


Attack ratting

Yes but its not that usefull because you will kill council rather fast or even with two hits. Ignore targets defense also works but not on act bosses.

Yeah i usualy dont invest more than 140 points in it.

You will never have 100%.max is 95% and also your level vs monster level is factored in chance to hit. You can use blessed aim merc if your chance to hit is low, my barb is like 88 with decent equip alrwady so i dont need him anymore.

My barbarian has combination of double swing and berserk. Currently grief+oath, i was using grief + lawbringer when i was weaker and when i didnt have grief, i was using stone crusher+lawbringer and mainly double swing for life leech as i play hardcore.

I dont have enigma, teleport or fortitude and i clear travincal just fine. At decent speed.

Something without cold damage. I have good experience with grief+oath.

Its good to find right balance. Dmg gear kills slightly faster. I clear at good speed with like 200 MF.

Both works.

Not really, Singer is mostly best for high mg or gold find where merc kills.

If you would like to i can record and show you my barb build i use for travincal. Same barb is also capable of doing MF anywhere in game. I can even do baalruns solo or rush others. Or have him as pindle runner. It is super versatile build.


I use a dual grief pb ww barb and 1 pt zerk for trav, dual ali babas on switch to hork.

Arreats for LL and an amulet with ML/gf/mf.

Survives and kills ez in 1p of course.

I also use a2 might merc to help with the killing, not needed but helps speed things up.

  • ebotd giant thresher
  • fort dusk armor
  • kiras (for cbf and resist stack against convict aura)

Only times merc dies is when he’s focusing on a phys immune and i forgot to tele him out, or when theres freeze aura slowing things for him.

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If you are willing to sacrifice just 1 corpse to a 50% Grim Ward, the damage will surprise you.

I use ww, berserk is probably the best imo

2x grief pb
wealth armor
rare boots with mf + gf
2x dwarf star
wilhelm’s pride for mana + life leech
Laying of hands
IK helm with 2x ptopaz

On Switch i use double blade of ali-baba with 2x lem each for horking

Because council members are demons LoH massively speeds up clear speed, you could use fortitude instead and then use chance guards, but wealth+Loh is both cheaper, gives you more damage, and more mf+goldfind. You just sacrifice defense and resistance, neither of which will be a big problem for trav.

Same merc as guy above. Tbh though once you are kitted out merc does very little as might doesn’t usually proc until you are basically done. If you don’t have grief(s) merc is more helpful as it will take long enough that might procs and maybe the merc kills a few. Mercs using faith/pride/2xlast wish would be much more helpful as those auras are always active, but obviously very expensive.

some say LoH does nothing for ww. i see it does nothing for my ww also

rlly? I would’ve sworn i noticed a slowdown when i tried removing it but maybe i’m misremembering. Obviously the IAS does not work, but i would expect damage to demons to work, i’ll test it again next weekend.

The loh dmg to demons works with ww while the ias does not since only ias on weapon affects ww breakpoint.

Alternatively you could swap one of the griefs for an ebotd for the dual leech and then change your belt to goldwrap

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