I am unable to see how Strafe is better than Guided Arrow. I switched to Strafe and my Amazon’s performance plunged. Am I missing something?
Multi for scattered large group.
Strafe for smaller tight group, does very good damage if you line up the shot.
GA for single target.
If you use atma’s, every single arrow from strafe can proc amplified damage, which kill things very quickly and remove PI as well.
Strafe should do quite a bit more dps than guided arrow in theory. Maybe your attack rating is low? For example, on my amazon- if chance to hit was 80% then guided/strafe would roughly do equal dps.
My chance to hit is 93%. Using faith bow. I use strafe over guided even on single targets. I think it could be your attack rating.
In the P-Bowzon guide I asked same question…
In the short:
Once you have 7-8FPA Your guided will overperform Strafe at any case scenario
Problem with strafe (as I understood) that you been locked in animation and occasionally suffering from same bug as zealots - you miss you entire animation w/o been able to move and fire.
Hmmm…guess I haven’t really noticed. With faith on my zon and eth reapers on my merc, bosses die very quickly with strafe. I’ll try guided later for comparison but I think I fell in love with the strafe animation.
If there’s only one target in range, won’t strafe hit that target 10 times rapidly? I assume strafe isn’t guaranteed to hit like guided though strafe arrows have a chance to pierce unlike guided I presume.
Interesting… Physicial Bowazon is very bad against act bosses, but if on 8 Frames, guided arrow will do more damage against Diablo and Baal for always hitting?
And if I have 10% Crushing Blow?
Im playing physical bowazon with Windforce, and, in my opinion, Strafe still do better damage. Tested on Diablo and Baal. Specially against Baal, that can be leeched, you recover life pretty fast.
Guided Arrow is nice specially against Diablo, that you cant leech and become very vulnerable, since you can hit him from a higher distance, without seeing him on screen. Strafe doenst hit that well with him out of screen. GA is also better against Ball when he summons his tentacles or his copie.
But, for overall farm and damage, Strafe is better if you have a good attack rating.