Stop complaining about ladder

Well your main argument was:

This would be true if Blizz would advertise the game on this way. But they clearly didnt. They told basicly 3 day before beta launch : Oh sry guy we are cutting out content from the game"
They never told : Guys we are going to start slow and you are getting content only with time.
Not to mention that WC3R is waiting for ladder more than a year now. Something isnt rly right here.

Laughs in single player

Wow Jani, we actually agree on something :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah ok good point. I tought this is D2R where you can play with others without cutting out content.

Well best thing is in life that we dont need to share the same thoughts yet still can find something we are agreeing. Maybe in half year we found a second thing where we also agree :slight_smile:

few* questions

  1. How could you have waited over a decade for something that you didn’t know was coming back then.

  2. PC game remakes haven’t been a common thing till 2014 so you shouldn’t have been expecting it since at least then

  3. Even if you were clairvoyant and saw the whole pc games remaster wave coming 4 years before it started, why would you expect a remake before the sequel was released in 2012.

For those interested:




Ladder only runewords are significant. To not include these in the launch is a major blow to us that play LOD HC

just because you columnize your garbage thoughts doesnt make them any more appealing

Lol i miss times when games were already released with features and not in beta state.

Well maybe have whole game in beta for two weeks then to make sure it wont happen at release?

lul what about all the gated content?

Yeah, that’s what I don’t get. If they’re so worried about launch going smoothly, why not have us beta test the heck out of the game and its systems before launch?

I guessing they dont have much faith in their internal testers and want us to beta test it at launch before ladder.

Thats all it should be to be honest.

So you tell a lie to prove a stupid point about something of which you are categorically wrong. You call my points “garbage thoughts” because you are being defensive over how inaccurate your claims are. Then proceed to call a list of numbered rows columns to try to make yourself appear smarter.

Fail like Wc3 because D2R will start without ladder? LOOOOOOOOOL. Sorry mate, but some comments…

Some of us understand. You clearly dont. I feel for you bud, I really do.

Never? But if there is no ladder at launch, you are going to see it from alot of angry players, Wc3R is still waiting for one…

Like I said, some of us get it, let me know when you do too otherwise, enjoy Single Player

That is not the problem. I understand that. Problems are some comments :“It will fail like Wc3 because there is no ladder at start”

Sorry, comments like that are totally stupid.

just play single player

Blizzard gave a date. 23/09/2021, maybe you should wait till then (?)