Stop complaining about ladder

Hello guys, I’ve been reading a lot about the non ladder release when the game is officially on air. Some of you says that the game has no point without the ladder (basically for the ladder items/runewords). Other says that if the game start without it, it will die in 2 weeks, etc.

So I just wanna ask what were your expectation with D2R, because in my point of view it’s a “new” game, so I’m ok if the features that we all know get implemented one by one and not all at once. I’ve played the game like this before and I think now it a good time to make a similar journey.

If all the features get implemented at once, it will be for me as begin the game with a ultimate build already. The fun is the way, not the end.


its not a new game this game is old as dirt they claimed it would be ready its not ladder is half of the game this is unacceptable might as well play classic d2
not even to mention all the streamers that will hop on and not know what the ladder even is will be disappointed when they have to start all over

I couldn’t care less about a scoreboard at launch lol.

If they discovered an issue right after starting the ladder on the same date the game released that required significant downtime of play, we’d all be disappointed. If anyone thinks the complaining on the forums is bad now, just imagine what it’d be like with significant downtime on the very first D2:R ladder.

A short duration after official release on starting the first ladder is understandable. I’d rather the game have a bit more testing time anyway to make sure everything is going to work. If you want an idea of what a bad ladder experience is, go try to fire up a ladder character on the original game. The state of the servers with the original game is horrible.

testing is what beta and alpha is for not the official release of promised finished product im not a guinea pig if its not ready thats not my problem day 1 should have ladder there is no exceptions we’ve waited over a decade for this they are gonna piss off alot of people

So, basically, you want to play the same old D2 LOD with better graphics? (I mean with the last patch launched).

it’s more so the runewords… some of them are pretty much required for certain hardcore builds

I mean, I plan on playing this game for a few years…

It is not a new game. And the game is only half complete without ladder. When was the last time you were able to play D2 only on non ladder? A decade+ back? How is that acceptable when a game we have been waiting for months, if not years, launch half complete?

No, Douggie, stop complaining about us complaining about ladder… That is a big issue if its not part of the launch.
We dont want to see this remaster fail like Wc3 did.

If the biggest complaint right now for D2R is a scoreboard and the TCP/IP protocol, I will call this a win so far lol.

very few people do… its the fact that for some BS reason a lot of the most useful items in the game are locked behind “ladder only”.

now if they finally get rid of this bull, i could care less about ladder, i would still play it ever so often when i wanted to restart fresh with a reset, but i WANT to play non-ladder… i was just never given the option.

any person who is “for” ladder only items/runewords is being a selfish jerk… its been 18 freaking years let me build my freaking item in nonladder.

im more likely to play single player on launch i than online if they don’t get rid of this BS. because they finally got rid of it there

your so clueless my man

People are complaining that they want their beta characters to transfer over to live for an unfair advantage. I am open to allowing more players into the game before the ladder kicks off so there is an even more equal opportunity.

Aww, sorry to hurt your feelings my man.

Never played the ladder. Never met anyone in real life that played the ladder. The ladder has no relevance at launch. It should only matter once you have leveled a character to 99. Play the game.

Don’t worry, rune words didn’t even come out until Season 2. :joy:

I’m not okay with that because Blizzard has been known to abandon projects that don’t have a constant source of income. See WC3R.

Then just don’t give Blizzard your money?

I don’t know if you’re aware, but there is ladder only content. It’s not just the scoreboard. Lol