Stop complaining about ladder

Well yeah that’s why I refunded my PC copy until they give us more info.

Yes, I am aware, but that didn’t even come out until Season 2. We are still in beta bruh.

It’s about launch bruh. I’m not talking about beta, I couldn’t care less about beta being NL.

I also find it funny when people make topics complaining about people complaining…

Yea, the hypocrisy is pretty great.

What if VV decided to pull a fast one and remove ladder only items? Wouldn’t that be something? What value would ladder even have besides a scoreboard for nerds then?

My only concern is, that some things, that are not implemented on release, might never be implemented, as the most recent remaster from blizzard shows.

All I want, is a proper remaster, with at least the same features as the old game. That’s not a lot to ask for a remaster imo.

If it was a new game and the feature was never available sure. They’ve locked specific items and such behind ladder.

The more I think about this I can see why they’re doing this. Why split the player base. They just need to be clear about it. Technically they should launch ladder only. 6months or whatever duration down the road all those characters become NL and spawn “S2” then.

Says the guy concerned with an arbitrary ranking system with no benefit in the real world.

your so clueless obvious noob is obvious

Diablo 2 lived for so long only because of the Ladder. The big majority plays Ladder.

lol my feelings are hurt and your intelligence is showing.

Go cry about ladder some more.

It’s not that we care about scoreboard, it’s the fact that if you’re gonna release the game without ladder , cool , but don’t introduce ladder couple weeks in! Do it in 4 - 6 months, because I only play ladder! And so do half of community. I dont want to grind so that 2 weeks later i ditch my progress

Ladder only runewords and uniques? Thy for sharing your big knowledge of the game.

We will essentially be beta testing the game on launch till it seems stable enough to start ladder. Comparing WC3 ladder to D2 ladder which has content locked behind it is also unfair comparison.

Narcissistic complaining is all I’m seeing from your comment. “Don’t complain about my complaining. Only those who agree with me should have any room to complain.” I’m just waiting for the refund threat from you now. When is that coming?

Exactly and it’s Not about the score board for me it’s about the crafting , Upgrading gear, making rune words, that I can’t otherwise do with out ladders being available which is an integral part of the game. What I don’t understand is how an already Finished game could have some many “security risks” with this Just being a Visual Overhaul and not rewriting code.

Maybe. I just played diablo 2 for 3 - 4 years. You can call me as you wish.
But that is not a point valid in your argument (what was it?)

Well your main argument was:

This would be true if Blizz would advertise the game on this way. But they clearly didnt. They told basicly 3 day before beta launch : Oh sry guy we are cutting out content from the game"
They never told : Guys we are going to start slow and you are getting content only with time.
Not to mention that WC3R is waiting for ladder more than a year now. Something isnt rly right here.

Laughs in single player

Wow Jani, we actually agree on something :stuck_out_tongue: