Still not sure I like Terror Zones

They’re ok I guess for the most part. I just hate it when it’s a huge zone and the monsters are all spread out. I did manage to get one good drop though. I just got a Graverobber’s Grand Charm of Vita out of the Terror Zone Pit.

I think they’re great. Remember - you can STILL Farm the old way thats optimal for your build.

When a good TZ for your build pops up; then switch it up!


I think Terror Zones are a great addition to the game. It sure is a breath of fresh air with the change of scenery versus being forced to run Chaos/Nihlathak/Baal 932470318 times.

Yeah you can get up to 99 faster, but that was the goal, to make getting up to 99 more accessible. Then there are high level items, again, high level Terror Zones make these items more accessible versus being required to repeatedly run Chaos/Nihlathak/Baal just to get these items. (or to be compelled to run a bot, or whip out the credit card to pay a bot runner for the items.)

Gating the highest level and top level items behind running the same area/boss over and over and over and over and over and over requires what I consider a bot level of endurance, not only for the extensive amount of time required, but the sheer amount of boredom that must be endured.


They should add Terrorized difficulty, however… replayability.

Die, even in softcore, and you’re thrown out of the game and can’t reenter that game.
Quests are reverted to act 1 quest 1 Terror when you die.
Host’s waypoints are the master waypoints; other players cannot use their own waypoints if Host doesn’t have them.
Town Portals are one way back to town.
More areas between main zones.
Teleport teleports randomly like Occulus, not targeted.
No better drops than hell, but monsters are 25% faster, can block spells with shields and weapons, avoid player spells, and there’s far more curse-casting enemy guest monsters.

So basically make Terror Zones so restrictive and annoying that you don’t want to play them. Yeah I think people would just go back to running Baal over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.


I got one of those too in a TZ, Kurast in a basket :slight_smile: sold it for a Ber

Agreed, id go as far as saying it requires a certain level of insanity.

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There’s a line between genius and insanity…

I erased it.


With the way the world is going, why the hell not?

If you’re going through hell, keep going. -Winston Churchill

No, a final difficulty, optional at that – where you can actually play the actual game, fresh, balanced for endgame gear, without suffering from the Diablo 3 level 63 items problem:
You’re supposed to be geared before you start the final difficulty, not supposed to find your gear in the final difficulty.

And it’d be challenging – actually challenging, I know, challenge, in a Diablo game? – without making teleporting the most viable strategy.

I’d totally play it with friends – as we would not be able to just skip content through getting WPs and using TPs – we’d have to actually work together, and make decisions:
TP and lose progress, or chase the WP and risk dying?

…and dying, even in softcore, would be impactful.

Again; Why oppose content? You’d not be forced to play it.
It is a challenge I would absolutely LOVE to play, though – without forcing anyone else to actually play the challenge.

They need new maps/dungeons … challanges… bosses … endgame… something to breath life into each season


I think the concept of terror zones sounds pretty neat, certainly won’t ruin the game, even with the new charms.

When it comes to new content though, I’d really like to see the acts expanded with new areas, and “hotspots” sprinkled around the maps that trigger random mini quests. Would make exploring actually fun. I’d pay for an actual expansion pack with that kind of new content.