State of the game rant

You know, I have about given up on D2R. I have not even been posting in the forums at all. I have been lurking some … I am debating uninstalling and finding a new gaming company to support. I watch the many multi’s post on certain topics to try and get what they want. I watch the JSPers try to convince everyone of certain things to bolster their FG. I watch the ones that don’t play the game, but rush to Hell Chaos and level to the point where they can MF only and try to get the game set up in their favor. I see a few legit posts with genuine ideas and/or concerns. It has gone to crap.

Ladder Seasons. Gradually shortening the ladder seasons does no justice to the players or the developers. It ONLY benefits the D2 stores and JSPers, which is where 99% of your botting sources come from both. The original season length was one year. It was perfect. It allowed working people who worked or went to school the opportunity to reach level 99 on at least one character. That is what the ladder was about. It hurt D2 stores, because after a while [typically a month or two] they no longer made money and slowly died until the next season. It also allowed developers to fix/tweak things that needed to be, whether it was new things or old. It also allowed developers to maintain and come out with new content. It allowed them time to make new things and test them before the next season. Especially with all 2 people that work on D2.

Curtailing botting. Longer ladder seasons is just one way to reduce botting/D2 stores. Another is the long needed fix/balances. The most important of which, is enigma. It was neat at first. However, because of it, we lost camaraderie, team play, and the game became about Mfing and not gameplay nor the “race to the top” or reaching 99. Bots own all of the first and top spots on the ladder. Enigma was the worst unbalancing the game has seen. Originally, the classes were developed with certain skills to enhance multi-player involvement and team play to accomplish end game and ladder climbing. Enigma ruined it all and ONLY benefitted botters and D2 stores. And the devs know this! It needs to go, period! That is the most important step to rebalancing this game.

The multis on the forums need to be dealt with, period. The fake influencing by these accounts is wrong! There are way too many multis nowadays, and they are very obvious! If the CM’s or the forum mods can’t handle or do their jobs, then replace them!

There have been some good changes as well. Upgrading sets, added runewords, etc. Progress is being made. More needs to be made regarding extremely old bugs that keep getting overlooked or avoided.

The whining and bellyaching is at an alltime high on the forums. The complacency of moderators has further allowed for this behaviour to not only continue but worsen to the extent that It is the worst ever seen.

Some issues that need attention. For some that play SC, HC, and SP. There are definitely NOT enough character slots. How many is truly enough? Good damned question. I do not have that answer. However, as stated above, a longer ladder season will kill D2store sales, so have extra character slots won’t matter.

HC and Hostiling. I have never been a fan of the B.S. sinlge-sided hostility scenario and how it ruins gameplay for the unsuspecting/new player. It was a function solely intended for the future addition of player vs. player combat that was NEVER added. It serves no purpose whatsoever. It needs to be changed to mutual hostility if they want to “duel”. I watched a chant gane the other day. There were players that have never played D2 before and D2R was their first experience and they were green as hell. A barb went hostile and after about 10-15 mins, announced “My tp for Bo”. Sadly 3 people took the bait and lost their characters, their gear, and all the hard work they put into that character. This is just wrong and unfair. Having played for years, I know better. But, they don’t. Some 14 yo basement dweller was bored and got his kicks on ruining some new guys fun.

Some major changes are still needed. Some things need to be returned to their former state. Some things need to be gotten rid of. Stop bowing down to the multis and the botters and the D2 stores!

Fix the damn chat channel or at least put it back to the way it was. Remove the requirement to log in to play SP. If you’re gonna collect money for this game, at least spend some of it on the damned game!

That’s my rant. And, I could care less if anyone agrees with it or not. I am looking at it from a PLAYERS point of view. NOT from the point of view of someone with an agenda, i.e.: botters, d2store owners, multis, jspers, etc.


Why should the moderation punish people for playing Multiplayer? They paid for the game like everybody else, multiplayer is the more popular and core way to play the game since 2000



And allow mods so that everyone can play the game the way the personally prefer without trashing the main game.


Mods would become the main game

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I believe he is talking about multi accounts on this forum.

Thanks for taking the time to put that together.
Agree with everything you noted, except that I enjoy playing the game too much to be run off… hopefully when D4 releases this place will evolve into a game support tool, with people who actually enjoy the game, rather than what is currently is.
Enigma, agree, but also believe Characters should keep in their lane, the “item gives skill” is yet another camaraderie discourage’r… bear-paladin, zeal-sorc, everyone has battle orders… it’s all too much, and too focused on the “me too” and “it’s not fair” movement.
K, I’ll stop there.

20 different people want 20 different kind of mods/changes.

So which one should become the main game? Whatever it is - 19 of 20 people will be disappointed that way.


And there there is a modded server offering 95% of what they want, no effort needed to install dozens of addons and it has a server with a playerbase

It’s pretty easy to see what choice people would make

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You cant offer everything that 20 different people want in one mod.

Just an easy example, some want runes dropping twice as much, some want them to be twice as rare.
How do you satisfy those 2 groups simultaneously?

I guarantee you that the crowd who wants less frequent rune drops is a very small and vocal minority.

As far as giving both of the pro change and anti change camps what they want, the solution is simple: A paid expansion.

Those who want all of the extra features can pay for it. Those who just want a remastered game can stand pat.


Actually the opposite is true.

Many people (including me) would prefer the way smaller droprates of HRs from pre 1.13. That way - if you get rid of duping - the great runewords like Enigma would actually become more rare and uniques would get used more often automatically.
Without even implementing weird changes most people wouldn´t like anyway.


If you truly want the horrible rune drop rates the way they were, you can choose to only keep every 20th Zod rune you find.

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I agree with Dark for once

Wanting to reduce rune drop rate to push people toward Unique is a pretty dim witted approach

So you basically want to force bad Unique down the throat of people by creating a scarcity of better options

Instead of just making Unique items more interesting in the first place which would reduce the appeal toward Runewords therefor needing runes importance

So for the same result you prefer to hinder the game rather than improve it… Great

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TLDR: I have been banned a while and I am now back ranting till the next ban. Everybody who has more than me or has a different opinion must be a botter and/or itemshop owner

bots dont own first place on ladder

i was second place on the ladder during early 1.13 as a full legit player(lvl 98) but i also had a lot of free time on my hands and the energy to commit to long play(10 hours a day)…never spent a cent on jsp back then and neither would i now

currently mrllama is second place(known streamer) and you wish to call him a bot for real ?)…

also bot goal is $$$ earning by mfing…not hit lvl 99 which has no use for $$$$ gain

mutual hostility doesn’t exist in most high lvl duel rooms…additionaly pkers assault can backfire if they picked on players better than them…let them have their fun…only mod which it should not be entirely acceptable is hardcore for obvious reason…ppl just chicken right away over there when hostiled…good player or not…sorry but to me you dont sound like a grown up for not being able to tank on some hot case

your not being torture physically or mentally by getting yell at constantly
your toys ain’t taken away…just displaced for a few seconds(room remake//ambush pker)
your not being hunted for hours with it never ending by 1 single player(abusing lvl of pking)

those 3 dudes in your story must been hella stupid to listen to someone they know is hostile…basicly the barb offer to slaughter them and they gladly accept…i doubth even a dislexic person(trouble reading sentences//names) would fall for that

character slots being lacking is a well known thing

ppl play the game…they just can’t bother doing the walk way again with alts after they get their first char to high lvl…so rush it is…in other word which would you choose between the following ?

live in prehistoric era with 0 tools at disposal ?
or live in the futur with everything making your life easier without having to go trough
researching techs by trial and experiments ?
basicly you desire to go back to old way and discard everything you worked hard for that could of been helpful
this way of thinking is massively flawed from my view point

d2 jsp store dont affect your gameplay either…ppl playing heavily can easily concur with a few bots…especialize if they do teamwork for lvling purpose…at worse they boost up economy by 20%…this said i have yet to see a single bot…however…there are a few players i suspected of using map reveal H–K due to how fast they reach throne from lvl 3 on a constant basis(on at least 10+ run observing their speed)…lvl 2 to 3 there a trick for fast find…but WS3 to throne there isn’t a fast trick known which can easily be use to deduct if a player cheat

if there is a trick its not known publicly…someone that screenshot lvl 3 maps might find a pattern…weither something like spiralling clockwise//counter clock…front or back of stairs…go X side then turn X side

meh. the majority is probably the guys who will jump into free games to get geared instead of playing the game. some times you got to give them not what they want but what they need.

Actually: this is one of the easiest things to address with mods.

For instance: my favorite mods in Mount and Blade Warband had in-game settings allowing the player to customize a bunch of different settings (bows doing more damage, crossbow damage piercing armor, horse archer AI behavior changes, lower/higher caps on NPC skills, or whatever… toggleable switches for so many options, most of which completely changed gameplay balance).

Also: my favorite moddable games would be Terraria and Skyrim. Both are supported so you can load dozens of different mods at the same time, each changing little things or adding as much as a traditional game expansion would. Modding in general has improved by light years since the old days when MedianXL was new :wink:

I suppose the biggest problem would be trying to get a bunch of people to agree and play together with certain rulesets online… much like the base game currently… I personally think Modding works best on single-player games, or with small groups playing together (friends in real life type of small groups).

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I had originally stumbled over the “remove Enigma” and thought, well let’s keep reading and see where this goes. At this point I just stopped. You don’t want D2, you want something else. Go find it. This is coming from someone that has never turned on hostility to hunt down another player, but has been hunted.

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Regarding lobby:

Just checked 12 whole games, with 32 total players, half of which don’t even speak English … can’t party up that way …

still crap chat in lobby … if you cannot fix what you broke in lobby chat … then, at the very least … put it back the way it was until you do figure it out … can’t be that hard.

still spam-bots littering the one chatroom/lobby.

Can 1 of the 2 people that handle this game fix this stuff? I mean you did redo D2 to make D2R, at least fix the basics: CHAT!

If noobs were playing HC, they weren’t long for this world anyway. The PKer did them a favor. I don’t disagree that some kind of accord needs to be reached there, but any smart HC player knows a bunch of way to avoid PK/Hostile players. HC is not where you start your D2 career.

Add a mapping system.
Add a currency stab tab where gems/runes all stack.
Add a recipe to convert jewels to a stackable craft material.
Buff Bnet loot to players 5 at minimum(up from players 1).
Give Meph draw in + enrage if you try to moat trick him.
Make bosses immune to slow/decrepify.
Lower all Hell difficulty enemies defense by 20%.
Give teleport a 5 second cooldown.